www.theage.com.au/world/indonesias-mixed-messages-on-fate-of-drug-traffickers-on...White aprons will be hung carefully around their necks, with red targets positioned over their chests. They will be offered blindfolds, and asked if they would like to stand, sit or lie down.
Then their hearts will be riddled with judicially sanctioned bullets until they are dead.
Indonesia's method of execution has not changed since a decree signed by its first president in 1964. The enthusiasm with which it is applied has waxed and waned over the 50 years since, but from his early talk,
the seventh President, Joko Widodo, seems likely to be one of the more bloodthirsty.
Australia must return this bloodlust and premeditated, cold-blooded killing of our citizens with severe revenge.
Australia has given Muslim Indonesia everything...billions of dollars in aid, billions more dollars and the lives of doctors and nurses in a chopper crash after the tsunami...and other help.
She has asked nicely for the lives of her citizens currently on death row, but in return has only received hate and scorn.
Some say "typical, what else did you expect"?
Australia must;
. Tell Indonesia to get stuffed, including the President.
. Cancel all security ties with Indonesia
. Stop all aid to Indonesia, all of it, every last cent.
. Stop sending Indonesia cattle and food of any description.
. Stop all exports to, and imports from, Indonesia.
. Ban all travel from Australia to Indonesia, and vice versa.
. Boot the Indonesian ambassador out of Australia permanently, and bulldoze the Indonesian embassy.
. Deport all Indonesian nationals out of Australia, including students.
. Close all Indonesian companies/businesses in Australia.
. Tell all Australians to, next time there's a tsunami/earthquake in Indonesia, simply ignore it all and pretend that Indonesia doesn't exist.
...for starters