I was somewhat surprised FD seemed to be taken-aback by what I would have thought was quite an obvious point - namely that he, along with most islam critics here, believe that ISIS accurately reflects the beliefs and attitudes of mainstream muslims:
freediver wrote on Dec 24
th, 2014 at 11:24am:
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24
th, 2014 at 10:37am:
Datalife wrote on Dec 24
th, 2014 at 10:24am:
Has anyone ever said ISIS is representative of all muslims?
Clearly your not too familiar with FD or Baron's posts.
Ask FD, I'm sure he'll be happy to give you a rambling explanation for how all muslims are secretly ISIS at heart, and that all the "nice" law-abiding things we do are merely a means to an end (the end of course to be head-hacking, rapist ISIS prodigy).
Baron will argue that any muslim that is not like ISIS is not a real muslim - in the form of inane rhetorical questions.
There are many things I can say without saying them. Just ask Gandalf. Fortunately we have Brian to constantly correct these unsaid things. It goes without saying.
FD seems to take offense because I didn't specifically ask him what those views are. Even after over two years of quoting Abu to a) demonstrate muslim's true desire for a head-hacking state b) their innate deceitfulness in wanting to implement this through sleight of hand - all the while going to great pains to emphasise how
representative Abu is of mainstream muslims.
Not to mention more generally, the constant smearing of mainstream muslims as:
- Being compelled to be the brutal rapist, murdering warlord their sinnister prophet was,
- "wanting to chip away at our freedoms at every opportunity" (and we can all guess for what ultimate purpose),
- the sinnister taqqiya of all the mainstream leaders,
- any and every financial irregularities by mainstream islamic institutions are without question
always about financing terrorism,
- constantly bringing up Malaysian muslims who support stoning and executing apostates.
But of course I'd hate to put words in your mouth FD, so this is your chance to explain to us in your own words, if you will.
Is it accurate to say that you believe that mainstream muslims are secretly ISIS at heart, and that all the "nice" law-abiding things we do are merely a means to an end?and as an addendum to that:
is it also accurate to say that you believe that mainstream muslims are not the brutal head hackers that ISIS are only because they are too gutless, squeamish or more tactful - not that ISIS ideology and and actions doesn't reflect the true beliefs of mainstream muslims?