Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29
th, 2014 at 11:43am:
ColdFact wrote on Dec 29
th, 2014 at 8:50am:
A journalist is supposed to be just that -- not a muck-raking bigot, liar and racist trying to unnecessarily stir up hatred.
Here's what the business commentator for the SMH, Michael Pascoe said about Pickering in 2012.
"Pickering is commonly known as a cartoonist, but he's also an inveterate liar, a bankrupt conman with a seedy history of fleecing the gullible of millions of dollars while not paying his own bills.
"With various failed business ventures and numerous personal relationships of equal standard, for decades he has plied a grubby trade behind sundry stooges and partners, assisted by the odd sharp lawyer and hapless corporate and consumer regulators. He is not a nice man."
http://www.smh.com.au/business/larry-pickering--the-conman-stalking-gillard-2012... Good article, ColdFact.
Now would you like to address the actual points that were raised and mulled over by Pickering?
Thank you in advance.
Well normally no I wouldn't because it's a racist rant. But since you asked Herb I did go back and assess the article:
Pickering says that "half of all Australians surveyed had anti-Muslim sentiments".
And I found the ABC report of that survey:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-02-23/nearly-half-of-australians-are-anti-muslim...So let's take a look:
10% were prejudiced against 'other' cultures.
25% said they were anti-Semitic or anti-Asian
"While a slightly larger number were prejudiced against Aboriginies".
Then we have the line, "Anti-Muslim sentiment was even higher, at 48.6 per cent."
Followed by the line: "Lead researcher Professor Kevin Dunn from the University of Western Sydney says recent political rhetoric has not helped.
"If you continue to speak about a group as a problem, whether that be asylum seekers or Muslims, that will [be] cast within the public mind," he said.
So from the stats we can deduct -- depending on how the survey questions were presented -- that Australia houses a large contingent of racist views, that are perpetuated by governments and the media.
So let's take Pickering's view.
It doesn't take him long to turn a survey about Australian's attitudes into a fabricated article about "terrorism related crimes" -- we presume in Australia.
I personally don't know of any, and he didn't list any.
Remember Monis was a fake Muslim disowned and actually reported by the Islamic community to the Australian Government as a disinformation agent.
And even the media are saying it was a 'lone nut' crime -- not a terror related crime.
He mentions ISIS mercenaries but omits the greater numbers of Australians fighting for the Israeli Defence Force in their butchering of Gaza civilians.
Islam is no greater threat to Australia than Catholicism -- and as I was a good Catholic boy living in the largest Muslim hub in Australia, I think I am mildly qualified to offer that opinion.