Lionel Edriess wrote on Dec 30
th, 2014 at 5:59pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 30
th, 2014 at 7:46am:
... Soren's link stated that 48.6% of Australians held "Anti-Muslim sentiment". Your claim was that "The vast majority of Australians for what ever reason do not want Islamic immigration to this country". Would you like me to explain to you the difference between 48.6% and a "vast majority"? ...
Perhaps you'd best ask Mr.Ross. He's the best at explaining why statistics never match public feeling.
He'll also be able to explain the groundswell of anti-Islamic feeling erupting in Europe as merely the collection of racist cants by popular political wannabes. With statistics!
And is also able to explain why racial and religious profiles are not considered important enough to collect when our law-makers are considering new legislation and penalties. This is the result of recent legislation, BTW. It also stymies any attempt to discover who is on the dole, and who is claiming other benefits, on an average profile - which we can't do any more.
Does one have to be a "prophet" to see that the ongoing feudalism between certain families in Sydney is somehow connected to religious beliefs? And the connections to organised crime?
Best we just whistle while looking at the walls, eh?
We'll take all the 'moderate' Muslims the world has to offer. All Islam has to do is offer
real 'moderate' Muslims.
Nuffin' to do with Islam, eh?
Shirley, you jest!
Poor Lionel, I never realised you felt so daunted by my rhetorical powers! I feel flattered to gain such praise, even if in a backhanded way, from you of all people.
I rather suspect that your ideal of a moderate Muslim is a thoroughly Westernised one, indeed so Westernised that hey are Muslim in name only.
One common charge I have laid at the doors of Xenophobes and racists is that they want uniformity, rather than be willing to tolerate diversity and pluralism. They want everybody looking the same, acting the same, dressing the same, walking in lock step to their drum beat because above all else they are offended by the very concept of individuality. Individuality? That's fine, as long as everybody is the same!
Soren is another in that camp. As long as everybody looks Northern European, is a god-fearing Lutheran and votes Tory, he's happy. Indeed, more than just happy, he's ecstatic! He cannot tolerate Johnny-Foreigner.