Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31
st, 2014 at 4:07pm:
I rather suspect that your ideal of a moderate Muslim is a thoroughly Westernised one, indeed so Westernised that hey are Muslim in name only.
Indeed. When they come to the West - nobody is forcing them - they should be thoroughly Westernised. They can stay in Araby, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and be as Muslims as they like.
Quote:One common charge I have laid at the doors of Xenophobes and racists is that they want uniformity, rather than be willing to tolerate diversity and pluralism. They want everybody looking the same, acting the same, dressing the same, walking in lock step to their drum beat because above all else they are offended by the very concept of individuality. Individuality? That's fine, as long as everybody is the same!

Soren is another in that camp. As long as everybody looks Northern European, is a god-fearing Lutheran and votes Tory, he's happy. Indeed, more than just happy, he's ecstatic! He cannot tolerate Johnny-Foreigner.
Western culture allows more room for individuality than any other culture, bar none. It is a stupid and baseless little gimmick to label the opponents of multiculturalism xenophobic or against diverse views. I am very happy for Africans to live by African norms in Africa, or Indians by Indian norms in India.
But why come ALL THIS WAY, to a culturally obviously different country and then cleave to the old African, Indian, Muslim, Chinese values? Especially as they are invariable inferior to Western cultural norms. Leave your inferior habits behind, fit in, learn the language, make the most of your new you.
Or stay home if you can't. The stuck-in-the-old-ways migrants are the ones who are unable to express their individuality: they are in a new country but they are unable to shed their old ways.