When Mr.Pickering posts actual public opinion poll data to support his supposition, he'll be able to prove that his claim was correct. What? He hasn't? How surprising! Pickering, like Herbie, relies on people like Soren and Co., our usual gang of Islamophobes to shore up his position for him.
There is no proof at the present moment that Mr.Pickering claim that "Most Australians Now Anti-Muslim" is true. Indeed, earlier this year, Newspoll reported on July 16, 2014 that:
Quote:HIGHER migration levels are favoured by a fifth of Australians, in an exclusive Newspoll survey revealing robust support for the most multicultural society on earth.
Nearly half the people surveyed support Australia’s existing immigration intake, which settled 190,000 immigrants last year in the world’s largest per capita intake. Two-thirds were skilled migrants.
Twenty-two per cent favour an even higher intake, with support strongest among the young, those on high incomes and capital city-dwellers.
European, African and Asian migration enjoys the strongest public support, with 26 per cent of Australians desiring more migrants from Europe. Another 18 per cent want to see more Asian migrants, and 20 per cent support more immigration from Africa.
In contrast, just 14 per cent of Australians want to see more Muslim migrants, and 37 per cent favour a cut.
Only approximately a third want a cut in Muslim immigration.
While only an indirect measure, it can be considered reasonably representative of Australian attitudes towards Muslims in general.
Roy Morgan OTOH, hasn't even asked a question which mentions Muslims since 2011.

Essential Research asked a question in their poll of Sep 2, 2014:
Quote:Q. When a family applies to migrate to Australia, should it be possible for them to be rejected purely on the basis of their religion?
63% believed that when a family applies to migrate to Australia, they should not be rejected purely on the basis of their religion and 21% think it should be possible to reject purely based on religion.
These figures are similar to when this question was asked in 2011.
Again, only an indirect indicator but one which positively shows that Australians think far more deeply about this issue than they are often given credit for. Note also there has been no dramatic increase in three years since the question was last asked.
The Scanlon Foundation Poll, July 2014 reported:
Quote:Questions on attitude to Christian, Buddhist and Muslim faith groups find that, as in past surveys, a very small proportion are negative towards Christian and Buddhist faiths (close to 5%), but a proportion almost
five times higher (close to 25%) towards Muslims.
While 25% is relatively high, it still does not match what Mr.Pickering claimed!
So, where is Mr.Pickering pulling his claim from? Why, of course from his own intolerant viewpoint.