Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Soren wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2015 at 7:37pm:
Ah, one of the 'Australia has no discernible culture' brigade.
Only immigrants have cultures worth preserving, yeah? How sad and stupid.
The Anglo culture is far more one of subtlety, nuances, manners, ethics, morality, and secular lack of ostentatiousness than is found with most 'ethnic' traditions.
The culture of the Anglo peoples is found in its political system, its laws, its social mores, it's sense of fairness and decency, it's humanitarian ethic.
The global migrant traffic flow from all over the world is towards the Anglosphere
precisely because its culture has created a desirable destiny for ethnics fleeing one sort of cultural failure or another in their own home countries.
Lack of jobs, poverty, religious oppression, political oppression - these are 'push-factor' cultural failures that drive so many ethnics to find solace in the Anglosphere.
They won't find bangles and beads, colourful gowns, turbans and top-knots, hijabs and 'ethnic dancing' among the Anglo peoples - but something far more valuable and important to having a life that is free, secure, and of a high living standard without the endemic crime and corruption that is so much a part of their own ethnic homelands.
And boy! aren't the Anglos and Europeans
resented for providing space, tolerance and freedom to thirdy worldy efniks to overcome their parochial, thirdy worldy little obsessions with tribe, clan, mindless custom and tradition? Yes, they are resented. They are resented for letting in the aliens AND expecting. very politely, that they would assimilate.
Yes, assimilate as they have no actual improvements to contribute. There has been NO Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Paki, Nigerian, Somali,Iranian improvement to Australia or any other western country. None.
Thirdy worldy mindset on first world social benefits. Well, f Vck off, bozos. It doesn't work like that.