Yadda wrote on Jan 1
st, 2015 at 3:01pm:
Against, THE NAME of Israel
Its good to know who our friends are.
And the majority of mankind
HAVE CHOSEN, moslems and ISLAM,
and THE NAME of Allah.
While tiny Israel, only have the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are only words.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of
ISRAEL, said these words.....
Genesis 12:3
....I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee....
Genesis 27:29
....cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee.
Numbers 24:9
....Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.
Why is it that tiny, tiny Israel is able to make
the correct choices, ........even though Israel has been attacked and assailed many, many times by surrounding ISLAMISTS, since 1948 ?
Moslem nations that surround Israel have been assailing and trying to destroy Israel - since 1948.
Why is it that Israel can't be defeated ?Especially [at those times when Israel has been attacked and assailed, [many times] by surrounding ISLAMISTS, since 1948,] why is it that the people of the tiny, tiny nation of Israel were able to make the correct choices ?
Why is it that Israel can't be defeated, ....by the filthy, the unclean,
the unholy infidels [i.e. the moslems], who have sworn to destroy Israel and to exterminate the Jewish people ?
Why is it that today, Israel can't be defeated, ....by
moslems ?
Moslems, the people who believe that - IMPERSONATING - the believers of the true God, will make them holy.
Why ???
It is because the moslems have 'Allah' helping them ? [....the 'alla', which phonetically [in the Hebrew tongue], represents the uttering of an ancient curse].
After all, Allah, is only a word.
"Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!"
= =
"The curse against us, is the greatest!"
It is true.
No ?
Moslems have 'Allah', 'helping' them.
.......while the tiny nation of Israel have the assistance and the protection, of the spirit, of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Not so ?
Psalms 25:12
What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.
Do you think that it is NOT
some of the choices that the people the tiny nation of Israel have made, that hasn't protected and assisted the people of the nation of Israel - since the nation of Israel was established, back in 1948 ?
Like the choice of
many Israelis, of having a deep and abiding reverence, for
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ?