Gandalf wrote:
Quote:Can you elaborate on what you mean by "not acceptable in our society" Moses? Would you have thoughts and beliefs become criminal offenses.
We criminalise murderers and those who would seek harm to others, and islam does not have a monopoly on those.
Not acceptable is self explanatory
Not worthy of acceptance or satisfactory, Not meeting requirements.
A belief that has created fully functioning homicidal ideological terrorists.
A belief that has produced pathological supporters of ideological terrorism,
A belief which brought forth a blood crazed father who takes takes his 7 year old son over seas to behead people.
A belief that raised a murderous follower who took innocent Australians as his religious hostages, declaring the creed of that / his belief, then slaughtered innocent people, one of them a young mother.
A belief which motivated women to leave Australia in order to marry the above terrorists.
A belief system which triggers the devotees to be 8,550 times more likely to become a religious mass murdering terrorist, than any other section of our community.
All of the above are not worthy of acceptance or satisfactory, they do not meet the requirements of a civilized 21st century society, therefore by definition the belief system which is the root cause of the above, is also not worthy of acceptance or satisfactory, it does not meet the requirements of a civilized 21st century society .
I am a passionate advocate of the pen decrying the depravity of such a belief system, not banning but castigation, ridiculing, condemnation, letting the truth be told about the causes and consequences of such a belief system.
The actions of the adherents and the truth, will destroy the belief in the end.
A belief which incites ideological terrorism, ideological torture, ideological mass murder, probably is illegal in the west.
I don't think you're allowed to incite these activities, are you?