Soren wrote on Jan 1
st, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Tell us how Islam makes the world better in our time.
~6 billion human beings. .....thats, 6,000,000,000 human beings.
~ 250 mountain leopards
~ 3,000 mountain gorillas can see where i'm going with this.
ISLAM creates dead bodies, .....the dead bodies of lots of humans.
And the earth needs less human beings.
The worlds fauna need less human beings.
Seen those WWF advts ???
Sponsor a Turtle ?
Sponsor a Tiger ?
Sponsor an Orang-utan ?
Instead of supporting WWF, with your hard earned.......convert to ISLAM and murder a few billion human beings.
Become a Greenie, convert to ISLAM.
Save nature, convert to ISLAM.
Allah be praised!
Even when you have murdered all of the infidels, you can start on fellow moslems, who do not measure up, as 'fellow moslems'.
Take the example of ISIS in Syria and Iraq.i
Persons like this - Haron Monis - .......


.....they are inspired by what their religion teaches them to believe.
ISLAM is Allah's perfect religion, so you have a duty to become a moslem.
To reject ISLAM, is to insult ISLAM.
You know it is true.
Convert to ISLAM today, and save Orang-utan's, Turtles, and Tigers!
You owe it to the planet!