PM Kevin Rudd pledges action for homeless
Today’s ABS Census 2011 figures showing a 17 per cent increase in the number of people classed as homeless, from 89,728 in 2006 to 105,237 in 2011, is not only a profoundly disappointing outcome for Australians in need of a roof over their heads, but further evidence that Labor’s much-vaunted “war on homelessness” is failing.
“Kevin Rudd told us that homelessness was a ‘national obscenity’ and the Government promised to halve the rate of homelessness by 2020. These latest figures show Labor has in fact gone backwards during its term in office,”
“Perversely, the Gillard Labor Government currently refuses to provide any certainty to the homelessness service sector and those unfortunate enough to be homeless, that funding under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness will continue beyond 30 June 2013.
“Labor can boast about the $1.1 billion it has spent so far on homelessness, but in Kevin Rudd’s own words, this amount was only ever meant to be a ‘down-payment’ on a long-term solution to homelessness.
“And real questions must now be asked of Labor about their action on homelessness, in light of this worrying increase.”
Mr Andrews said: “Private rents have also risen by 50 per cent in the last five years and this is having a knock-on effect on the rates of homelessness, with many people being forced to live in marginal accommodation like caravan parks, boarding houses and severely overcrowded housing.
“But instead of owning up to these failures, Housing Minister Brendan O’Connor continues to blame the states and territories for slow progress on reducing the rate of homelessness.
“The fact is, Labor has made $120 billion worth of unfunded spending promises to a number of sectors and homelessness has so far not got a look-in.
“And today we learn that Labor’s net debt will hit $214.2 billion in 2015-16, meaning higher interest payments and still less money for the homelessness and charitable sectors to care for our most vulnerable.
Rudd tried to do a Bob Hawke... who also failed in his pledge to children living in poverty..
I wonder what the next pledge will be from the next Labor Leader.. who will, undoubtedly, fail...