Brian Ross wrote on Jan 8
th, 2015 at 12:44am:
Just find the bible verse where Jesus said to cut out the heart of your enemies and eat it...
You can pretend to not get it but it very easy to understand.
If an atheist cuts off someone's head because god told him to do it, it is pretty obvious this person is no atheist but is a serious nut. His atheism didn't guide him to do such an act because atheist don't believe in any gods.
If a Christian cuts off someone's head because Jesus told him to do it, it is pretty obvious this person is no Christian but is a serious nut. His Christianity didn't guide him to do such an act because Jesus taught the complete opposite.
If a Muslim cuts off someone's head because Allah told him to do it, it is pretty obvious this person is a Muslim and not just a lone nut. His Islamic faith did guide him to do such an act because Islam teaches to do exactly that.
Keep pretending to not get it. Anyone not caught up in political correctness, or a need to defend Islam because they are too gutless to criticise it, gets it.