greggerypeccary wrote:
Quote:If Islam didn't exist, do you think that these cowards in France would have gone through life as well-adjusted, law-abiding citizens?
Who will ever know?
What exactly is their mental state?
Are they insane?
If they are, is it from 1400 years of islamic inbreeding, why are there so many insane muslims around the world?
There is no doubt that over the years muslim mobs have gone into a blood crazed rampage slaughtering innocent people over such things as beauty pageants, books, cartoons, speech by the pope, apostasy, mockery of muhammad,then we have tens of thousands isis etc., all insane according to you?
171 Australian muslims who either / or are: taking their seven year old son overseas to behead people, join terror groups, actively support terror groups, female muslims going overseas to marry terrorists, a muslim who devoutly declared the shahada while taking innocent Australian hostages then slaughtered two of them, one an innocent woman / mother, all insane according to you?
We have had muslim terror attacks in every country where muslims / islam exists, why?
Are all muslims around the globe who have participated in terror and murder insane?
Do muslims urgently need to address this world wide insurmountable insanity problem they have?