polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 9
th, 2015 at 12:04pm:
Quantum wrote on Jan 8
th, 2015 at 3:09pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jan 8
th, 2015 at 1:05pm:
I don't see anyone supporting terrorists - that is where you argument comes undone.
The problem you have is when the accusations are aimed at people who clearly are not terrorists, you do not seem to get the distinction.
I really don't get what you are talking about. My only issue has been the 3 amigos who go from thread to thread cutting and pasting shlt like "
why do you excuse terrorist? " just for pointing out the obvious Islam connections. There is no argument, points of debate, or even a valid opinion with these people. Just trolling BS doing everything to deflect from the actual issue. Spinning every issue to accuse people of excusing the terrorist seems to give them a hard on.
Because invariably they are responding to a lot more than 3 amigos who go from thread to thread cutting and pasting any and every shlt that makes some tenuous link to islam and violence - fake or otherwise - and demanding
why is islam and/or muslims allowed to be tolerated.
Pointing out hypocrisy is not trolling.
BS. Greggery and Bwian are the two biggest trolls on this forum.
Every thread they take devils advocate positions arguing black is white just for the fun of it. Their entire attitude is that everyone is too stupid to understand so they have to educate the poor ignorant bigots. Of course this is not by making any actual points for debate. For Bwian it is
"a bigot would say that " ignoring anything said, and for Greg.... Just selectively quote peoples post or
even change the words of it so as to make it say something else, so he can follow it up with
"I agree", and "
white flag accepted". Now he is
even accusing people of making excuses for terrorist with his fake shock and disappointment routine when anyone can see that it is complete BS. Try and find a post of gregs that is more than just a few 1 line paragraphs. Same cut and past shlt every time; "
don't know why your mind went there", "not that there is anything wrong with that", "white flag accepted", "got a link for that". Good for getting the post count up and dragging a debate on until everyone gives up, useless for anything constructive.
Different opinions are fine, but trolling a forum especially on serious issues like what is happening in France is just sick. There is no excuse for their behaviour.