stryder wrote on Jan 13
th, 2015 at 8:31am:
m sorry to say this but you are justifying your trembling fear for this as COMMON SENSE.
Im not saying we should forever post every insult cartoon about the mohammed, Im saying if christianity, judaism or any other religion is good enough for criticism, SO IS ISLAM.
well so is mocking your child... then...
you are confusing the issue.. with what you think is RIGHT.. one size fits all..

we are talking about MADMEN who threatened death then carry it through...
dont you get that???...
if a group of Christians went berserk at the film Life of Brian... and threatened to burn down every theatre that showed it...... when it was released..
would you still say if its good enough for judism or Islam to be mocked....well burn them down,...see if we care..
its our FREEDOM you are playing with??...
you are the one that feels threatened...
you even say it.. its good enough for other religions then its got to be good enough for them....
its dumb answer sorry........its like saying well I like XXXX beer so I decree there will only be one beer...and everyone will drink it because I like it..
you cannot force people to like something because it doesnt offend you..
and I am all in favor of saying dont draw a cartoon that will offend if it means someones life.....
now Larry Pickering is under protection..... will he be happy putting his family in danger all for a cartoon...

I will wait and see how arrogant he is and if he draws more pics........will be interesting stryker.....
to see if he goes with commonsense......or be big and brave for the sake of FREEDOM OF SPEECH..
the pen as they say is mightier...