Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 22
nd, 2015 at 2:12pm:
I love the way this becomes about personality - I just got kicked off another forum for calling another user an arsehole - well - he is a supercilious arsehole.... poor dear couldn't take his hobby horse being unshoed... and made the mistake of attacking the disadvantaged as 'leaners' who wouldn't provide for their own retirement.....
Even I do it sometimes when irritated... but my point is - I try mostly to stick to the issue.
fd loves it grap.. at least he doesnt do a thing to stop it...
if they only knew I would love to not mention them again...but when they stoop to the bottom of the barrel to offend me I will defend myself..
their opinion doesnt bother me their lies do.
does anyone wonder what went through the minds of those who died for principle...ooops.. FoS and in opther ones case civilisation..

imagine if you will sitting in front of your computer drawing pics of Muhammad suddenly
the door bursts open and there he is......
dressed head to foot in black.
the monster who said he "would"KILL them all
here like he promised he would be.if we chose to ignore his threats
all they can see are his mad eyes... and the AK-47.. no time to even call out a warning to others...just blood everywhere computers covered in dripping flesh and bone fragments....the last one shot saw his work mates splattered all over the cartoons on the walls..............before he joined them
does anyone want to try and think..
what was their last thought in that split second....
for those who think dying for glory is the way to go..
I am sure you would be able to put yourself in that sickening position just for a split second..
one of the artist was late that morning and missed it...I wonder what goes through his head as well..........
was it fate for him or is he living on borrowed time and looking over his shoulder every ten minutes.
but I am sure he will tell you it was worth it...FoS I mean.or is that principle I am losing track.?