A new Galaxy Poll has revealed surging support for Queensland Premier Campbell Newman's LNP Government after the first week of the election campaign.
The poll in today's Courier Mail newspaper shows a 4 per cent jump in support for the Liberal National Party (LNP).
However, with the LNP and Labor locked at 52 to 48 per cent, two-party preferred, the election could still deliver a hung parliament.
On the question of who would make the better premier, the poll registered 45 per cent support for Mr Newman, an increase of 3 per cent from August last year, while Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk polled at 40 per cent, a fall of 1 per cent.
Of those polled, 41 per cent said they were satisfied with Mr Newman's performance as Premier, compared with 36 per cent in August.
There was 39 per cent support for Ms Palaszczuk's performance as Opposition Leader, which remained static.
Primary support for The Greens was at 8 per cent.
The Palmer United Party's (PUP) popularity continued to fall, with its 3 per cent vote matching Katter's Australian Party (KAP).
The latest Newspoll in today's Weekend Australian also shows the LNP improving its position, on 53 per cent to Labor's 47 per cent, two-party preferred.
Despite the improved support, Ms Palaszczuk is closing the gap as preferred premier on 38 per cent to Mr Newman's 41, up from 35 per cent.
The dissatisfaction rating for Mr Newman sits at 51 per cent, while Ms Palaszczuk's rose four points to 38 per cent.
The Newspoll shows Greens have 7 per cent of the primary vote with PUP and KAP both on 1 per cent.
TAKE A LOOK at PUP now on 1 percent. THey are outpolled by Family First.