Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10 th, 2015 at 6:10pm: brumbie wrote on Jan 10 th, 2015 at 5:57pm: Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10 th, 2015 at 5:47pm: brumbie wrote on Jan 10 th, 2015 at 5:27pm: It is not muslims I am worried about, as I am sure the majority are good people.It is this "islamisation of the world" agenda that is pushing these terrorists and, where once it was well camouflaged, it is now out in the open in all it's ugly glory. It is that that needs to be stopped and the only way you are going to do that, if we really must have a multicultural society, is by limiting the proportion of muslims.I'm afraid now with the birth of the internet and social media, then islamic terrorism is here to stay. It is no coincidence the two have risen together. On the homefront we have to ban,deport or jail the hate preachers.It is so essential that we try to limit these foolish notions of Isis or "world domination" to perhaps one generation of youth. Why do you think the "hate preachers" have arisen, Brumbie? You don't think it's anything to do with what Western governments might have been doing in Muslim countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, to name but four? No I most certainly do not Brian,that is grossly naive. Please spare me the rhetorical questions. So, why do you think the "hate preachers" have suddenly arisen in such numbers in the last 20-30 years, if it not the actions of the West in Muslim lands in that period? I'm genuinely interested. Afterall, before the mid-1970s, radical Islam was virtually non-existent, even in Muslim societies around the world. The Muslim world was far more interested in modernisation - adapting and adopting Western ideals and concepts. Yet, after 1975, approximately, we have the arise of radical Islam, first with the overthrow of the Shah and then the fighting back against the Soviets in Afghanistan. It is almost as if there was a switch thrown and radical Islam appears on the West's radar. So, what caused it, Brumbie, in your opinion? So those trying to kill Nasser two decades earlier weren't radical? There was plenty of radical Islam before 75.