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how we can best stop it happening in the future (Read 14600 times)
Brian Ross
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #30 - Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:54pm
brumbie wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:02pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:17pm:
Fair enough, Brumbie.  If you're only here to make declarations, I rather think you've misunderstood the purpose of what an internet forum is.

Brian I gave an opinion on the OP's question not a declaration.Each thread on islam isn't always just there to allow you to browbeat those in opposition to you, some have legitimate questions..this was one of them.

I rarely browbeat, Brumby.  I usually attempt to engage people in a Socratic dialogue to try and find out what they mean.  I offered my perspective in response to your comment and asked a legitimate question too.   Perhaps it was an uncomfortable one?

how we can best stop it happening in the future

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:17pm:
What we need to do is encourage moderate preachers

Funny that as my opinion was

brumbie wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 5:27pm:
On the homefront we have to ban,deport or jail the hate preachers.

Not exactly original were you Brian? Roll Eyes

Note the difference though, you concentrated on a negative response whereas I concentrated on a positive one, Brumbie.
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Brian Ross
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #31 - Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:57pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:04pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:33pm:
Quantum, radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s, why?  They were seen largely as an irrelevancy by nearly every modern Muslim.  Muslim nations wanted to modernise, they were all busy adapting and adopting modern Europe beliefs and concepts as quickly as they could.  Muslim societies were discarding their local cultural dress, their attitudes were becoming more Westernised and so on.  What happened to stop and arrest that?  No one seems to be willing to answer that.  I wonder why?

There are a number of factors. For most of the post-war period arab frustration against the west was expressed through secular movements. The original terrorism against the west - Black September, the PLO and all the rest were all secular/irreligious. The rise of militant islam roughly coincided with the rise of Saudi Arabia as an economic powerhouse.  The wahabists that dominate that country are evangelistic (about the only sect in islam that is), and have aggressively exported their militant salafism throughout the arab world. This coincided with fierce crackdowns of islamist movements by local secular leaders - most notably in Baathist Iraq and Syria, Egypt and Algeria. There was also the muslim brotherhood movement - an old movement dating back to the early 20th century, but who found renewed appeal through their charity work with the disadvantaged across the arab world. Secularist dictators also cracked down hard on them, driving them from the moderate political sphere into the militant/insurgent sphere. Finally there was the Iranian revolution of 1979, which had a massive jolting effect across the arab world, and provided new impetus to sunni militancy.

Thank you, Gandalf, an intelligent and thoughtful response.  Are you sure you mean "Sunni militancy" as having been provided a "new impetus" by the Iranian revolution?  I'd have suggested that Sh'ia militancy received a real fillip from Ayatollah Koyameni's victory over the Shah.  Sunni militancy has been until the rise of Al Q'eada and more particular IS, rather on the backfoot for the last 30 years IMHO.

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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #32 - Jan 10th, 2015 at 9:42pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:45pm:
Quantum wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:52pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:33pm:
Quantum wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:27pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:17pm:
brumbie wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 6:16pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 6:10pm:
I'm genuinely interested.

No you're not Brian, you are just looking for an argument..You have your opinions and I have mine
It is completely off topic.

I expressed my opinion to the OP. If you have a considered opinion as to "how we can best stop it happening in the future" then this is your chance.

Fair enough, Brumbie.  If you're only here to make declarations, I rather think you've misunderstood the purpose of what an internet forum is.

I've made my statement - the "hate preachers" are a recent phenomena.  Their rise in the numbers we see today are in response to many factors, including Western intervention in Muslim countries and the West's betrayal of it's own principles when it has done so.   The West has proclaimed it believes in democracy and freedom but it has toppled democratic governments in Muslim lands and shored up dictatorships and autocracies n preference.   The West has also shown that it is willing to be complicit in the oppression of Muslims on numerous occasions.  Realpolitik has overruled principle and this is the consequence.  Some Muslims feel betrayed and have therefore turned, as most people do in times of crisis to those that offer surety and authority, the "hate preachers", with the results we've seen.

What we need to do is encourage moderate preachers and start trying to win the Muslims back on side.  It won't be easy but it will IMHO be worth the effort.   Roll Eyes

This right here is the problem. Useless Bwian made a false claim that Muslim extremist are something that only arose in the mid 70's. He gets corrected. Bwian ignores the correction, repeats the same shlt again. With deceitful arrogant apologist like him there is no chance extremist will ever be stopped.

Quantum, radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s, why?  They were seen largely as an irrelevancy by nearly every modern Muslim.  Muslim nations wanted to modernise, they were all busy adapting and adopting modern Europe beliefs and concepts as quickly as they could.  Muslim societies were discarding their local cultural dress, their attitudes were becoming more Westernised and so on.  What happened to stop and arrest that?  No one seems to be willing to answer that.  I wonder why?

I'd suggest you're the one who needs to learn about history.  Roll Eyes

The life of Bwian:

Make BS claims. Get corrected. Ignore correction and claim everyone else needs to read history.

Radical Islam existed before 1975 you mong. I even gave you an example; the assassination   
attempt of Nasser in 54. Give up you ignorant featherweight.

Personal abuse, Quantum?  How childish.

I didn't claim it didn't exist before 1975.  If you actually read what I have said, I've said that most Muslims weren't interested in it's message.  Yet after about that date, suddenly it starts to get traction amongst modern Muslims.  Why?  You never seem willing to answer that simple question, Quantum, preferring to attack me, the questioner.  Roll Eyes

Because you are a BS artist; "radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s". But according to you it still doesn't have any "traction in the Muslim community". Remember, you want us to believe that the vast majority of Muslims today are peaceful and that the terrorist are only a very small percentage and not at all a reflection of the "Muslim community". You simply want to play this both ways but like anyone trying to rewrite history you are making an obvious clusterfvk of it all.
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Brian Ross
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #33 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:52am
Quantum wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 9:42pm:
Because you are a BS artist; "radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s". But according to you it still doesn't have any "traction in the Muslim community". Remember, you want us to believe that the vast majority of Muslims today are peaceful and that the terrorist are only a very small percentage and not at all a reflection of the "Muslim community". You simply want to play this both ways but like anyone trying to rewrite history you are making an obvious clusterfvk of it all.

For the slow of wit amongst us, let lay out my proposition, again.

1. Islamist extremists TODAY, represent a tiny minority amongst the ~1.6 billion Muslims in the world.  This does not mean that extremist Islamism does not have some traction in the Muslim world TODAY.

2. Before approximately 1975, there were an even SMALLER number of Islamist extremists amongst the world's Muslim's population and their message was of little interest to the overwhelming majority of the world's Muslims who were more interested in modernising themselves and their societies.

3. Yet, in the period between approximately 1975 and TODAY, the message of the "hate preachers" seems to have gained increasing numbers of adherents.

These three statements are not contradictory but complimentary, Quantum.

Is that clear enough for you?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #34 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 1:20am
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:52am:
Quantum wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 9:42pm:
Because you are a BS artist; "radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s". But according to you it still doesn't have any "traction in the Muslim community". Remember, you want us to believe that the vast majority of Muslims today are peaceful and that the terrorist are only a very small percentage and not at all a reflection of the "Muslim community". You simply want to play this both ways but like anyone trying to rewrite history you are making an obvious clusterfvk of it all.

For the slow of wit amongst us, let lay out my proposition, again.

1. Islamist extremists TODAY, represent a tiny minority amongst the ~1.6 billion Muslims in the world.  This does not mean that extremist Islamism does not have some traction in the Muslim world TODAY.

2. Before approximately 1975, there were an even SMALLER number of Islamist extremists amongst the world's Muslim's population and their message was of little interest to the overwhelming majority of the world's Muslims who were more interested in modernising themselves and their societies.

3. Yet, in the period between approximately 1975 and TODAY, the message of the "hate preachers" seems to have gained increasing numbers of adherents.

These three statements are not contradictory but complimentary, Quantum.

Is that clear enough for you?   Roll Eyes

Or it is simply a case that the world is smaller now and not only is it easier for the message to hit a wider audience, not only is Islam more wide spread throughout the world, but the results of this radical element is now world wide news and also happening on our door step.

Your position that the mid 70's was an increase in the radical element is just a poor excuse to blame the west for modern day radical Islam. It was there since the 7th century, and was already clear before 1975. You are simply playing down the impact of radical Islam in the world today when it suits you, but exaggerating it in another context.
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Brian Ross
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #35 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 1:40am
Quantum wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 1:20am:
Or it is simply a case that the world is smaller now and not only is it easier for the message to hit a wider audience, not only is Islam more wide spread throughout the world, but the results of this radical element is now world wide news and also happening on our door step.

An interesting idea but that does not explain why Muslim societies have in some places turned their backs on modernity and in others continued on with it.   Yet, all too often the places that have turned their backs, are what the "hate preachers" preach about. They are the places where the West has intervened.  Obviously correlation isn't necessarily causation but it looks suspiciously so to me, Quantum.   Why do you ignore that?

Your position that the mid 70's was an increase in the radical element is just a poor excuse to blame the west for modern day radical Islam. It was there since the 7th century, and was already clear before 1975. You are simply playing down the impact of radical Islam in the world today when it suits you, but exaggerating it in another context.

Not a poor excuse.  Not an excuse at all.  Rather it is how I analyse events, Quantum.  I do not believe events occur in a vacuum.  Do you?  I believe in cause and effect.  Someone does something and that sparks someone else to do something else.  Simples really.   Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: Jan 11th, 2015 at 10:30pm by Brian Ross »  

Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #36 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 10:39am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 4:38pm:
Of course it can be stopped - but it requires a little maturity and responsibility by society. Stop the lies and unnecessary fear-mongering would be a good start. And stop bloody well apologising for them - acknowledge and denounce it wherever it pops up as completely counter-productive.

Stop vilifying and smearing muslims who have done nothing wrong and accept that they are not the enemy. Stop pretending they are alien and incompatible with our values, but are really just ordinary people who are every bit as outraged and fearful of terrorists as everyone else.

Resist the emotive quick-fix solutions - accept that islam is here to stay, that we can't simply deport all muslims and raze all their mosques.

The ingrained victim mentality from muslims emerges again.

So this is all our fault and has nothing to do with Islam?

Dr Jasser said political Islam is the root cause of Islamic terror not the west or anyone else.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #37 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 10:52am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 8:04pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 7:33pm:
Quantum, radical Islamists had essentially no traction in the Muslim community before approximately the 1970s, why?  They were seen largely as an irrelevancy by nearly every modern Muslim.  Muslim nations wanted to modernise, they were all busy adapting and adopting modern Europe beliefs and concepts as quickly as they could.  Muslim societies were discarding their local cultural dress, their attitudes were becoming more Westernised and so on.  What happened to stop and arrest that?  No one seems to be willing to answer that.  I wonder why?

There are a number of factors. For most of the post-war period arab frustration against the west was expressed through secular movements. The original terrorism against the west - Black September, the PLO and all the rest were all secular/irreligious. The rise of militant islam roughly coincided with the rise of Saudi Arabia as an economic powerhouse.  The wahabists that dominate that country are evangelistic (about the only sect in islam that is), and have aggressively exported their militant salafism throughout the arab world. This coincided with fierce crackdowns of islamist movements by local secular leaders - most notably in Baathist Iraq and Syria, Egypt and Algeria. There was also the muslim brotherhood movement - an old movement dating back to the early 20th century, but who found renewed appeal through their charity work with the disadvantaged across the arab world. Secularist dictators also cracked down hard on them, driving them from the moderate political sphere into the militant/insurgent sphere. Finally there was the Iranian revolution of 1979, which had a massive jolting effect across the arab world, and provided new impetus to sunni militancy.

The muslim brotherhood were outlawed in many Islamic countries before the 1970's, why were they outlawed is it because they are terrorists?

Black September was Jordan killing Palestinians, it's only a cause for butthurt with muslims when jews kill Palestinians.
Or do you mean the Munich massacre of Jews at the Olympics done by black September?

I like how Gandalf blames secularism, it can't have anything to do with Islam opposing secularism can it?

Saudi and Iranian oil money have helped spread Islam through their financing of mosques,Islam was nearly dead before oil money revived it.

The truth is the best weapon against Islam.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #38 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:06pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 10:39am:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 10th, 2015 at 4:38pm:
Of course it can be stopped - but it requires a little maturity and responsibility by society. Stop the lies and unnecessary fear-mongering would be a good start. And stop bloody well apologising for them - acknowledge and denounce it wherever it pops up as completely counter-productive.

Stop vilifying and smearing muslims who have done nothing wrong and accept that they are not the enemy. Stop pretending they are alien and incompatible with our values, but are really just ordinary people who are every bit as outraged and fearful of terrorists as everyone else.

Resist the emotive quick-fix solutions - accept that islam is here to stay, that we can't simply deport all muslims and raze all their mosques.

The ingrained victim mentality from muslims emerges again.

So this is all our fault and has nothing to do with Islam?

Dr Jasser said political Islam is the root cause of Islamic terror not the west or anyone else.

Someone asked for a sensible practical solution, not a recipe for vengeance.

But I didn't expect a mature response from you Baron, you will continue with your hate-mongering and idiotic rhetorical questions in your great crusade to keep honest law abiding muslims marginalised and drive a wedge in society. Thats all you are good for Baron, you are not interested in solutions, only handwringing and point scoring. The truth is, you relish islamic extremism - yes you do. Its about time you were honest about this.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #39 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:14pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 10:39am:
Dr Jasser said political Islam is the root cause of Islamic terror not the west or anyone else.

So your solution is to ban islam? Drive 20% of the world into the margins?

No it is not a solution and you know it. Yet thats exactly why you bring it up - you are not interested in solutions, you are interested in sustaining the hate, sustaining the divisions. Any suggestions to embrace muslims and unite society is anathema to you - yes it is Baron, be honest. Your ideological hatred of islam makes you incapable of accepting muslims into our society. So you shun solutions, you shun anything thats positive. Whenever you are reminded of the good and humanity in normal mainstream muslims, you mock and ridicule them as unislamic and/or ridicule them for disobeying their sinister prophet.

People like you are the problem Baron, because you are a barrier to finding workable solutions.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #40 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:48pm
We should follow Saudi Arabia's lead on this by copying there laws to do with religion.

First of all we have to change the law and make islam a cult and not a religion.

We then move to demolish the mosques ban the k oran deregister the charities do not allow more than six  people to gather  for prayers there must be no outward sign of islam ( no beards no head coverings no wearing of skirts by men) no praying in the streets no  proselytizing migrant muslims can never attain permanent residence.

No muslim would find these restrictions unacceptable as they are only the reverse laws from the very birthplace of islam. Even brian ross will agree this is the only solution, I don't believe in the death penalty for muslims blasphemy of Jesus Christ however.

Muslims remind me of Neville Chamberlain's "I have in my hand a piece of paper, signed by Mr. Hitler"

It is now estimated 30,000 to 50,000 isis troops are in Mosul now, but don't worry it's only a tiny minority Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Saudi Arabia prohibits public non-Muslim religious activities. Non-Muslim worshipers risk arrest, imprisonment, lashing, deportation, and sometimes torture for engaging in overt religious activity that attracts official attention.[citation needed] In July 2012 the Bodu Bala Sena, an extremist Buddhist organization based in Sri Lanka, reported that Premanath Pereralage Thungasiri, a Sri Lankan Buddhist employed in Saudi Arabia, had been arrested for worshiping the Buddha in his employer's home, and that plans were being made to behead him. [1] The Sri Lankan Embassy has rejected these reports. [2] In the past, Sri Lankan officials have also rejected reports regarding labor conditions issued by New York-based Human Rights Watch. [3]

The Government has stated publicly, including before the U.N. Committee on Human Rights in Geneva, that its policy is to protect the right of non-Muslims to worship privately. However, non-Muslim organizations have claimed that there are no explicit guidelines for distinguishing between public and private worship, such as the number of persons permitted to attend and the types of locations that are acceptable. Such lack of clarity, as well as instances of arbitrary enforcement by the authorities, obliges most non-Muslims to worship in such a manner as to avoid discovery. Those detained for non-Muslim worship almost always are deported by authorities after sometimes lengthy periods of arrest during investigation. In some cases, they also are sentenced to receive lashes prior to deportation.[citation needed].

The Government does not permit non-Muslim clergy to enter the country for the purpose of conducting religious services, although some come under other auspices and perform religious functions in secret. Such restrictions make it very difficult for most non-Muslims to maintain contact with clergymen and attend services. Catholics and Orthodox Christians, who require a priest on a regular basis to receive the sacraments required by their faith, particularly are affected.[citation needed]

Proselytizing by non-Muslims, including the distribution of non-Muslim religious materials such as Bibles, is illegal. The country has recently passed a law recommending the death penalty for anyone caught carrying or smuggling a bible into the country. [10] Muslims or non-Muslims wearing religious symbols of any kind in public risk confrontation with the Mutawwa'in. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, approximately 50 "Call and Guidance" centers employing approximately 500 persons work to convert foreigners to Islam. Some non-Muslim foreigners convert to Islam during their stay in the country. According to official reports, 942 foreign workers converted to Islam in the past year[clarification needed]. The press often carries articles about such conversions, including testimonials. The press as well as government officials publicized the conversion of the Italian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Torquato Cardilli, in late 2001[citation needed].

The Government requires noncitizen residents to carry a Saudi residence permit (Iqama) for identification in place of their passports.[11] Among other information, these contain a religious designation for "Muslim" or "non-Muslim."

If that is unpalatable we could try the Maldives approach Grin Grin Grin
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In real life Gandalf is known as Mr 10%
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #41 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 1:55pm
Adamant wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:48pm:
We should follow Saudi Arabia's lead on this by copying there laws to do with religion.

No, no, no. That would make us no better than them. We have to be the better people. But we must not criticise what they do. It would be arrogant to think that we are better than them. That's colonial thinking and islamophobic. So we must be better than them... but we must not judge them by thinking that we are better than them. Perfectly clear right?

It's called brogic. Brian is the founder of that school of thought. Sometimes shorted to just BS thoughts.
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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #42 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 2:00pm
Adamant wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:48pm:
... no wearing of skirts by men ...

Let me know how that works out for you.


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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #43 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 2:13pm
Adamant wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 12:48pm:
...  no wearing of skirts by men ... 

Why are you so un-Australian?


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Re: how we can best stop it happening in the future
Reply #44 - Jan 11th, 2015 at 2:16pm
Quantum do you have any actual useful proposals, or are you just going to point score all day?

Are you implying from your last post that we should ban islam and/or condemn it as a cult? Do you agree with Adamant's sentiment that we should adopt the Saudi approach? Have you considered if that would actually be useful in a practical sense, or does it just make you feel better?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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