Soren wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 10:47am:
Karnal wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 7:20am:
Now now, that’s a bit harsh. The old boy only ridicules the Muselman, bearded numpties, PBs, dirty little inverts, the tinted races, the yellow races, and their spineless appeasers. Remind me if I’ve left anybody out.
People who worship carpenters are okay. The old boy likes to pretend he stands with Charlie, but he only stands with the cartoons about the Muselman. The ones about priests, Jews, hommersexuals, etc, are offensive to decent people everywhere.
Thank you, ijit, you miss the point as always. You can disagree with Charlie as much s you like - verbally or in writing. Clash of IDEAS is ok and is to be encouraged. On that level, nobody has the right not to be offended, You need to do your own turning away from what you do not like. Don't buy Charlie, don't listen to the Grens, ddon't go to catch the fire gatherings, don't read bolt. Easy.
But there is no room for violence, thereat of violence or lawfare to protect the honour of religion or a prophet or god.
Do you see the difference between using your words to disagree or using weapons or the courts to retalate and silence.
One of the Charlie editors who was wounded lashed out at all the French hypocrites who regularly complained about Charlie. Charlie had been the target of old boy complaints for years. After the shoot-up, they're all Charlie.
As the Australian Discrimination Commissioner (and former IPA stooge) said yesterday, he'd rather see Charlie go out of business than silenced by the Muselman. Charlie has always been a thorn in the side of French old dears, and what better a solution than to let the free market take it out?
Clash of civilizations, innit. Neoliberalism versus faatwas and assassinations.
You're right - no one did shut it down, and no one except the Muselman shot it up. But it's a tad hypocritical for people be all Charlie now when they've called for it to be banned in the past.
You might not go around shooting people you disagree with, old boy, but you reserve your right to be offended on a daily basis. The proof of this is your regular and consistent offence. Your support of Charlie is conditional on its characterisation of Muhammed. You're not pro-free speech, you're simply anti-Muselman.
As every schoolboy knows.