ian wrote on Jan 12
th, 2015 at 5:32pm:
Perth is completly over run with middle aged lycra wearing males. they are everywhere and its not a good look. Why do these people think buying thousands of dollars in accessories actually substitutes for completing the activity itself.
They are called MAMILS (Middle-Aged Men In Lycra) and I'm glad to say
that, although both middle-aged and a cyclist, I do not own a single item
of lycra, nor do I plan to in the future.
I ride both for transport and for fun/recreation, not to pose at the local
coffee-shop and not because I think I can win the TdF, and I've always
found a t-shirt, shorts, and an old pair of trainers to be more than ade-
quate attire. In winter, jeans and a 'sloppy joe' are fine.
With the added bonus that, if I get off the bike and start mingling with
society, I don't look like a dick out of water.