Quote:Compared to being DEAD, this is Bambi stuff.
Who is Mohammed to be regarded as beyond mockery? Who are Muslims not to be laughed at?
Mo is some guy who has been dead a long time. I don't care about him much, in fact, he never enters my head. Muslims are people I think. Just like
you and me. They have all sorts of emotions like
you and me, including in the case of some, a deep religious belief. I recall in my Jaycee days having to recite a dumb creed at the start of every meeting. It included the words "that faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life." I always stumbled over those and wondered how dumb the concept was....yet my peers fervently mouthed the words and would have been singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" every Sunday. Bloody w ankers in my view. But, who was I to deny them their voodoo, even though I quietly laughed at them.
Quote:This is insane. You can mock Libbos, Christians, Labor, Commies, Nazis, Scientologists, Jews, Greens, AGW Deniers, - but you must not take the piss when it comes to Mohammed and Muslims because they are liable to be violent murderous f Vcks? Over cartoons and jokes and accusations of being murderous f Vcks.
Last I heard it still an offence to vilify etc on racial grounds. Religion is another thing. It is not the cartoon which per se is the problem. Cartoons are meant to be funny. These cartoons are specifically designed, drawn and published to mock, abuse, deride and ridicule an entire religion, one I could not give a stuff about. Why does anyone else? 'Funnily' enough, it seems some of those who adhere to it don't seem to share the 'Joke.' Bizarre, innit?
Quote:If that is their attitude I want nothing more than offend them so they have a fit and drop dead. I want to induce apoplexy. They deserve nothing less.
What a shame your technique is not working for you, wot? They seem not to be dropping dead in fits or apoplexy when you abuse them with ridicule. Seems to induce quite the opposite. Weird, innit?
Quote:This cowering nonsense is, well, preposterous nonsense -the murderous fanatics must be respected because they are murderous fanatics?? You are out of you mind. Completely out of your mind.
Maybe not. I'm not cowering, but I do admit to cringing at the blatant abuse 'we' seem to feel quite at liberty to send the way of people who happen to believe in a sky fairy. Why can't we let them believe as much as they like? I don't care, and to pre-empt you......I really don't care if some woman adopts that faith knowing full well what they are getting themselves in for. Live and let live, wot?