Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 3:27pm:
cods wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 3:19pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 3:01pm:
Aussie wrote on Jan 14
th, 2015 at 2:50pm:
Quote:To learn who rules over you,simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.
I doubt Mr Voltare was referring to a religious faith. Why do you care about which sky fairy some w ankers want to worship? It's certainly none of my bloody business. If you want to believe that God impregnated Mary (while Jo was busy being a carpenter) who remained a virgin to give birth to Jesus, why should I care, and I don't.
I think Voltaire's comment is relevant, lefty taxi drivers dismiss anything they don't agree with.
I have ex muslim friends who have to pretend to be muslim due to the death penalty for apostasy, 13 countries with Islam as the state religion have the death penalty for muslims who leave Islam to become atheist.
They even hide food and drinks during Ramadan so they can pretend to fast.
Muslims will say god did not have a son.
its all words baron...all words... I am sure a hell of a lot of muslims drink as what.... it doesnt kill anyone...and if anyone killed someone in this country for changing their religion they would be charged with murder.. this isnt Arabia..
if you have ex muslim friends ask them where they stand on this one....
would they stop the presses??...or make a stand...
We had a muslim in the media who went to court after he gave a good old sharia flogging to another muslim for drinking alcohol.
This happened in NSW not Saudi Arabia.
My ex muslim friends think leftists should grow a backbone and at least speak out about apostasy and blasphemy laws.
The Quran allows alcohol so why do muslims say it's haram? and the floggers were found guilty..
A COURT has declared Islamic sharia law is no excuse for viciously flogging a man in his own home as punishment for drinking at a bar.
In an Australian legal first, magistrate Brian Maloney yesterday found four men guilty of assaulting a Muslim convert in a religion-inspired whipping.
which is Australian LAW....
can you stop people drinking?
can you stop people gambling?
can you stop men beating their wives?
can you stop motorists speeding?
can you stop drink drivers?
do we speak out about all these things??
yes I think we do... especially drink driving..
does it STOP any of it???
well I dont know the answer to that.. at a rush I would say NO...but we do hope talking about it will change some thinking..
as for killing someone because they change their religion.. I think that comes under our law of MURDER already.. tell you friends...
you keep asking funny questions about why do muslims do this or that.,.
ask your ex friends they might give you better insight we C Hristians cannot answer questions on the Koran..if we do we are told we dont know what we are talking about..