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French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian (Read 1146 times)
Julius Abbott
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French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Jan 15th, 2015 at 2:11am

Forty-eight hours after hosting a massive march under the banner of free expression, France opened a criminal investigation of a controversial French comedian for a Facebook post he wrote about the Charlie Hebdo attack, and then this morning, arrested him for that post on charges of “defending terrorism.” The comedian, Dieudonné (above), previously sought elective office in France on what he called an “anti-Zionist” platform, has had his show banned by numerous government officials in cities throughout France, and has been criminally prosecuted several times before for expressing ideas banned in that country.

The apparently criminal viewpoint he posted on Facebook declared: “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly.” Investigators concluded that this was intended to mock the “Je Suis Charlie” slogan and express support for the perpetrator of the Paris supermarket killings (whose last name was “Coulibaly”). Expressing that opinion is evidently a crime in the Republic of Liberté, which prides itself on a line of 20th Century intellectuals – from Sartre and Genet to Foucault and Derrida – whose hallmark was leaving no orthodoxy or convention unmolested, no matter how sacred.

Since that glorious “free speech” march, France has reportedly opened 54 criminal cases for “condoning terrorism.” AP reported this morning that “France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism.”

As pernicious as this arrest and related “crackdown” on some speech obviously is, it provides a critical value: namely, it underscores the utter scam that was this week’s celebration of free speech in the west. The day before the Charlie Hebdo attack, I coincidentally documented the multiple cases in the west – including in the U.S. – where Muslims have been prosecuted and even imprisoned for their political speech. Vanishingly few of this week’s bold free expression mavens have ever uttered a peep of protest about any of those cases – either before the Charlie Hebdo attack or since. That’s because “free speech,” in the hands of many westerners, actually means: it is vital that the ideas I like be protected, and the right to offend groups I dislike be cherished; anything else is fair game.

It is certainly true that many of Dieudonné’s views and statements are noxious, although he and his supporters insist that they are “satire” and all in good humor. In that regard, the controversy they provoke is similar to the now-much-beloved Charlie Hebdo cartoons (one French leftist insists the cartoonists were mocking rather than adopting racism and bigotry, but Olivier Cyran, a former writer at the magazine who resigned in 2001, wrote a powerful 2013 letter with ample documentation condemning Charlie Hebdo for descending in the post-9/11 era into full-scale, obsessive anti-Muslim bigotry).

Despite the obvious threat to free speech posed by this arrest, it is inconceivable that any mainstream western media figures would start tweeting “#JeSuisDieudonné” or would upload photographs of themselves performing his ugly Nazi-evoking arm gesture in “solidarity” with his free speech rights. That’s true even if he were murdered for his ideas rather than “merely” arrested and prosecuted for them. That’s because last week’s celebration of the Hebdo cartoonists (well beyond mourning their horrifically unjust murders) was at least as much about approval for their anti-Muslim messages as it was about the free speech rights that were invoked in their support - at least as much.

The vast bulk of the stirring “free speech” tributes over the last week have been little more than an attempt to protect and venerate speech that degrades disfavored groups while rendering off-limits speech that does the same to favored groups, all deceitfully masquerading as lofty principles of liberty. In response to my article containing anti-Jewish cartoons on Monday - which I posted to demonstrate the utter selectivity and inauthenticity of this newfound adoration of offensive speech - I was subjected to endless contortions justifying why anti-Muslim speech is perfectly great and noble while anti-Jewish speech is hideously offensive and evil (the most frequently invoked distinction – “Jews are a race/ethnicity while Muslims aren’t” – would come as a huge surprise to the world’s Asian, black, Latino and white Jews, as well as to those who identify as “Muslim” as part of their cultural identity even though they don’t pray five times a day). As always: it’s free speech if it involves ideas I like or attacks groups I dislike, but it’s something different when I’m the one who is offended...
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Abbott promised no tax hikes & no cuts to the ABC

There's a 'budget emergency', so we will give $9 billion to the Reserve Bank, spend $12 billion on some dubious jets, $2 billion to bomb Iraq, etc.
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 3:11am
Je Suis Dieudonné

He's not going to get much sympathy for obvious reasons, but the hypocricy is indeed glaring.

In Australia holocaust denial comes under Racial Vilification - and is therefore unlawful.

Je Suis Fredrick TobenUndecided
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #2 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:15am
The 'group we dislike'; that just wants to kill us. How dare we criticise them?
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #3 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:23am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 3:11am:
Je Suis Dieudonné

He's not going to get much sympathy for obvious reasons, but the hypocricy is indeed glaring.

In Australia holocaust denial comes under Racial Vilification - and is therefore unlawful.

Je Suis Fredrick TobenUndecided

I find it pretty much the same with forum members   

who think sticking it to Muslims is A.OK because no one cares if my faith is abused.... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes.. a strange idea of Freedom of Speech.

the obvious facts being..

they too can threaten to kill people who draw ugly cartoons about their faith.. they too can raid buildings wearing masks with AK 47.. and mow everyone down...

the fact that they dont... tells us WHAT?.. thats right

they are moderates not extremists....they can laugh at themselves...turn the other cheek...go off and sulk...write letters...

extremists have other ways of dealing with the insults...
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #4 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:30am
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:15am:
The 'group we dislike'; that just wants to kill us. How dare we criticise them?

its not criticism its INSULTS..and they were asked /told to stop....

.they [the madmen]didnt kill this group for any other reason.. than they felt insulted....

KILL is what these groups do..its how they deal with problems...

we have learnt that..

if you knew someone was goin g to kill you for drawing a picture would you keep drawing those pictures???..

the emphasis being on THEY KNEW THEY WOULD BE KILLED...

was it bravery or arrogance or  stupidity was it worth it??....

I know what I think..
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #5 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:39am
My ancestry's Irish, Cods. I think I'll start killing anyone that makes an Irish joke. You're defending Islamic values; I'm defending Australian values. If that's how you respond to insults; you're not welcome.
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #6 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:51am
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:39am:
My ancestry's Irish, Cods. I think I'll start killing anyone that makes an Irish joke. You're defending Islamic values; I'm defending Australian values. If that's how you respond to insults; you're not welcome.

hahahaha.. go tell that to the IRA.. you are going to insult them.. see what happens.

btw I am not muslim let alone extreme...
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #7 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:53am
heh heh, you just got pwnd by Cods rocket boy.
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #8 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:54am
Where was the last terrorist attack linked to the IRA outside of Ireland or Britain? I'm not willing to bow to a religion that wants to send us back to the middle ages. Why are you?
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #9 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:59am
Officer Softcock never arrested anyone for murdering someone who insulted them. How tolerant.
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Julius Abbott
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #10 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 12:35pm
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:54am:
Where was the last terrorist attack linked to the IRA outside of Ireland or Britain?

How many other countries have oppressed or attacked the Catholic Irish?

There was this assassination of an ambassador in the Netherlands:

There were a number of killings conducted by the IRA in Europe:

The Provisional IRA also carried out attacks in other countries such as West Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, where British soldiers were based.[75] Between 1979 and 1990, eight unarmed soldiers and six civilians died in these attacks, including the British Ambassador to the Netherlands Sir Richard Sykes.[76] On one occasion, the IRA shot dead two Australian tourists in the Netherlands, claiming its members mistook them for off-duty British soldiers.[77] On another occasion an IRA gunman wearing a British Army uniform shot dead Heidi Hazell, a German woman, as she sat alone in her car[78] She was waiting near a British Army married quarter in Unna. They claimed she had been shot "in the belief that she was a member of the British Army garrison at Dortmund". Her husband was a British Army staff sergeant. Hans Engelhard, West Germany's Justice Minister called it "the insane act of a blind fanatic."[79]

The IRA also sent members on arms importation, logistical support and intelligence operations at different times to continental Europe, Canada, the United States, Australia, the Middle East and Latin America. On at least one occasion IRA members travelled to Colombia to work with the Marxist revolutionary group FARC.–97#...

There were many Catholic riots in Australia in the past. Australia was the Guantanamo Bay of the 18th and 19th century with many Irish dissidents/terrorists sent to Australia.

Catholic terrorism has a long history in Europe with events such as Guy Fawkes and the Gun Powder Plot a prime example.

Before 9/11 the IRA was heavily funded by the Irish diaspora in the US. Support for IRA terror was being conducted in the US - largely from Boston and New York.

Google Senator King and IRA.
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« Last Edit: Jan 15th, 2015 at 12:45pm by Julius Abbott »  

Abbott promised no tax hikes & no cuts to the ABC

There's a 'budget emergency', so we will give $9 billion to the Reserve Bank, spend $12 billion on some dubious jets, $2 billion to bomb Iraq, etc.
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Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #11 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 12:40pm
Linking Irish dissidence during the gold rush and American underground support for the IRA in Ireland with international islamic terrorism.  Tenuous,  dude, tenuous.
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At my desk.
Re: French Hypocrites Arrest Comedian
Reply #12 - Jan 15th, 2015 at 1:25pm
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:30am:
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:15am:
The 'group we dislike'; that just wants to kill us. How dare we criticise them?

its not criticism its INSULTS..and they were asked /told to stop....

.they [the madmen]didnt kill this group for any other reason.. than they felt insulted....

KILL is what these groups do..its how they deal with problems...

we have learnt that..

if you knew someone was goin g to kill you for drawing a picture would you keep drawing those pictures???..

the emphasis being on THEY KNEW THEY WOULD BE KILLED...

was it bravery or arrogance or  stupidity was it worth it??....

I know what I think..

Cods, what you dogmatically refuse to understand, or even discuss (I have raised this many times, but it's like a brick wall), is that these people do not merely want us to stop drawing cartoons mocking Muhammed. They want to strip all our rights and freedoms, one at a time if necessary. You are doing their bidding for them by trying to convince people that appeasing these monsters will work.

No-one knew they were going to be killed. That is an idiotic suggestion. This is the largest number of artists killed at one time since I have been paying attention. Trying to blame the victims of terrorism for terrorism is about as low as it gets.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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