Quantum wrote on Jan 15
th, 2015 at 3:56pm:
why?? do you think the extremists are finished??????... do you think they will be happy with thousands more copies on the book stands......
Why? Because you don't get it despite it being explained over and over again. Every response is emotional without reason. Gizmo wasn't even talking about money but about the popularity the magazine is experiencing because they won't be silenced and people support that. This has nothing to do with getting rich at the cost of loved ones. It is about principles and the need for society not to give into fear.
This has been brought up many times, including by myself directly in reply to you, but here we go again...
If we stop saying things that upset Muslims, how long until other groups, religions, organisations, etc, start demanding that they get left alone to? If buddhist demand they be exempt from mockery, do they get their request as well? Or does it depend on whether they are likely to shoot the place up?
If you give into their request as well, then sooner or later everyone and everything will be off limits. If you don't, then you are making a special rule for Muslims, as well as admitting that society will bend over for anyone willing to kill to get what it wants. Worse still, if it is the latter, then how long until Muslims start wanting their next demand met? Will we give in again just incase they shoot us?
The question you keep asking (is it worth 17 lives) is the same question that can be asked about every cop who gets killed on duty, or every solider who falls on the battle field. Do we want soldiers dying trying to stop Nazi Germany? No, but we don't want Nazi Germany taking over Europe either. Does anyone want these writers in France to die because of Muslim extremist who are offended? No, but we don't want to give up our values and principles because terrorist might kill us for them. Otherwise we might as well put ourselves under sharia law now and be done with it, otherwise we might have a few more killings.
why do you guys.. keep bringing in every equation....
you want to fight and antagonise thats fine??.....
you have made that perfectly clear.....
I do not think US THE WEST.. are always RIGHT> you do...obviously...even if the reasoning is a bit obscure....
so what are you afraid of they will ask for next if we stop producing cartoons.... I did notice that the Danish paper that was and still is I believe under threat because of a cartoon... have not joined in the hip hip hurray for Charlie....they have not published another cartoon that would offend...
this was deliberate antagonistic action...
this is what I am talking about...I am not talking about soldiers or police....why do you bring in every other... "what about this".....Nazis...come on... you are the drama queen..
your way is making the angry bees angrier.. why inflame an already volatile situation.... this is what I am saying...
the cartoons were sick they were rude and insulting...
who did they benefit????....
Pedos, nazis, and everything in-between keep getting brought up as examples to try explain the obvious to you because you just don't get it.
I would never buy that magazine or any media like it. I find them mostly unfunny and a case of self righteous know it all jerks whose only way to pay the bills is to insult and make fun of others. And that's the point; I don't like it so I don't buy it. I don't shoot the place up. Simple. The idea that society should censor itself because it may offend someone and that someone may kill is a ridiculous notion. To what end? How much should everyone shut up incase it offends a crazy muslim?
You have expressed plenty of opinions on this forum over the years that someone could find offensive (your chicken shlt attitude on this issue being a good example of that). If someone was to track you down and kill you for those opinions, the conclusion that should be reached was is that it was your fault for stating that opinion? Is a post worth dying for?
Your entire position is back to front. You say that 17 deaths isn't worth it just for a comic. Everyone else says that a comic isn't worth killing 17 people for. Your entire position that we should all live in fear of upsetting the crazies is the worse idea since letting the crazies in in the first place.