cods wrote on Jan 16
th, 2015 at 9:10am:
oh I see... you want INSTANT ANNIHILATION>..
you forget!!! how many bees are ther?????
do you know.?
..... NO ONE REALLY KNOWS its all guess work...
same applies to terrorists....
you forget blow up this beehive and there are many more where they came from...
same with terrorists
in fact.. they will be even angrier that you killed their beehive.. infact you have made many many more enemies..
thats all they needed another reason to kill
and they know where you live.....because they dont care if your name is quantum...
all they care is they kill someone who is white and christian.. that will do them..
bees like terrorists.. dont care who they kill....
we are all one to them......
this is what you fail to grasp..
you think you can pick out one KING bee the leader.. the one terrorists who calls the shots and thats it...the rest fall into line..
you wish..
but look I am so glad you are looking out for our bums... and will stand tall against any threats we have in this country.....even if it is over a cartoon....
and I dont mind you bagging me either if it makes you feel that kicking the beehive/terrorists is the BEST way to go....
btw where do you live quantum
I know you are brave and will tell when the angry bees read terrorists come we can send them your way... you know exactly how to deal with them
Thank you for
stinging yourself in the foot. Your little disjointed rant did show one thing very clearly; you think that the terrorist are out there, they are crazy, that they want to kill, and they will do it anyway. So why all this BS over a cartoon? Cartoon or not, you believe the terrorist are out there and want to kill just because we are not one of them. So why do you think they need a cartoon to do this? If there was no cartoon it would just be something else. So what's the solution cods? Just turn the western world into an Islamic state so our ways don't offend them and give them an excuse to kill us?
I have asked this question so many times and you refuse to answer it. You refuse to answer it because once you do your entire hysterical rant it finished. But let's try it again once last time;
Where do you draw the line?
[b]thats where I draw the facebook if someone is being mercilessly abused I would stop it if i could..
What if they stopped the comic to keep the Muslims happy. What next? What happens if they ask for any books which are not pro Muslims to be banned. Do you ban them? What happens if they then ask for kids dolls to get band because they are made in human image. Do you ban them in the hope that they might not shoot up a toy shop? How far would you go cods until you said enough?[/b]
you are in hypothetical mode... I dont do hypothetical.
Now let's just assume that for you there is no limit. You would do everything the Muslims ask be dont assume anythingcause you are too shlt scared of upsetting the beehive. They want everyone to speak Arabic, do it just incase they shoot us if we offend them with our own language. So if the path of appeasement is your solution, that of course leads us to the other question that you refuse to answer;
What about everyone else? if Buddhist want us to stop cartoons about them, do you stop? What about other religions? What about fringe political parties? What about corporations, companies and other organisations? Do we roll over for everyone who wants to be off limits in cartoons, or only those willing to shot us? only if they threaten to kill you and all around you
No more shlt beehive analogies. Just answer the questions straight. Do we keep rolling over for Islam one item at a time forever, and if so, do we do the same thing for every other group that wants its way?