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The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out (Read 16237 times)
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #165 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:00am
ian wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 6:45am:
not my point cods, 12 people get killed in France who deliberatly insulted in print and the whole world goes apesh!t, 2000 black people get killed in  Africa for no reason and silence. This isnt about freedom of speech, its about racism.

No, its about radicalism and how to draw it out of its cave so that the enemy can be seen and named.

Radical Islam - The Islamic Perversion - will not stop at extreme reaction against 'blasphemy'...

And while Saudi Arabia continues to fund the Islamist agenda worldwide, you can expect continued expressions of extreme outrage from Islamists.

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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #166 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:00am
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #167 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:01am
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #168 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:13am
Bobby. wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 8:47pm:
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 8:44pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
The truth is that Paris looks like a war zone:

thats strange I thought that march and the presses would have shown these bad guys we are not afraid.??
and send them running for cover..


maybe tomorrow bobs we dont need the army we have Charlie standing up to them.....

No way - the French now live with sub machine guns all around them.

The beautiful Paris that I remember is gone - for now.

my daughter and her family were there two days before Xmas bobs sent back smashing pics.. not a sign of guns or PANIC or TERROR....

we dont have to worry.. quantum an d gizmo and stryker will be guarding us...we can sit back with our martini and drink their good health.

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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #169 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:20am
Quantum wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 8:59pm:
You and your smacking bees...

Ok, fine. There were 100,000 bees in the house. What did they do? Did they deal with them, or did they just ignore them

no dear... they encouraged them to do what they said they would do..

the bees you see are the terrorists  its called analogy..

if they hadnt been TAUNTED maybe   just maybe  12 staff would still be catching the bus home....

if you TAUNT an angry beehive..

.any rational person would expect to get stung......they might if they were extremely bright understand they could be killed..

same thing with mad terrorists..

if you keep TAUNTING them ... they will sting you and even KILL you..

its what they do KILL..they have promised you....they will KILL you..

so you keep TAUNTING....... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

it makes sense to you...
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #170 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:39am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 8:20am:
Quantum wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 8:59pm:
You and your smacking bees...

Ok, fine. There were 100,000 bees in the house. What did they do? Did they deal with them, or did they just ignore them

no dear... they encouraged them to do what they said they would do..

the bees you see are the terrorists  its called analogy..

if they hadnt been TAUNTED maybe   just maybe  12 staff would still be catching the bus home....

if you TAUNT an angry beehive..

.any rational person would expect to get stung......they might if they were extremely bright understand they could be killed..

same thing with mad terrorists..

if you keep TAUNTING them ... they will sting you and even KILL you..

its what they do KILL..they have promised you....they will KILL you..

so you keep TAUNTING....... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

it makes sense to you...

Ok, so you just ignore the question which is actually very easy to answer. Even your own example had the bees being delt with, not just ignored. I'm sure you think your bee analogy is a good one, but after a dozen pages it isn't getting any more relevant or convincing than when you first said it. It's crap, useless.

You have gone full smacking borg in this thread. What may have possibly started off as just being devil's advocate has now got you so backed into a corner that you are having to repeat your bee shlt in a hope someone might think that you actually have an argument.
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #171 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:10am
oh I see... you want INSTANT ANNIHILATION>..

you forget!!! how many bees are ther?????

do you know.?

..... NO ONE REALLY KNOWS its all guess work...

same applies to terrorists....

you forget blow up this beehive and there are many more where they came from...

same with terrorists

in fact.. they will be even angrier that you killed their beehive.. infact you have made many many more enemies..

thats all they needed  another reason to kill

and they know where you live.....because they dont care if your name is quantum...

all they care is they kill someone who is white and christian.. that will do them..

bees like terrorists.. dont care who they kill....

we are all one to them......

this is what you fail to grasp..

you think you can pick out one KING  bee the leader.. the one terrorists who calls the shots and thats it...the rest fall into line..

you wish..

but look I am so glad you are looking out for our bums... and will stand tall against any threats we have in this country.....even if it is over a cartoon....

and I dont mind you bagging me either if it makes you feel that kicking the beehive/terrorists is the BEST  way to go....

btw where do you live quantum

I know you are brave and will tell when the angry bees read terrorists come we can send them your way... you know exactly how to deal with them
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #172 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:55am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 11:02am:
Muslims killed 17 people this time.

They seriously BELIEVE they are being "good Muslims"
At BEST they are "seriously misguided muslims"
At WORST just common murderers
Just as Judaism and Christianity have a commandment of "Thou salt not kill"
- the Quran has a "commandment" directly from God


“…whosoever killeth a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”

misguided "muslim" murderers
remind me of
misguided "christian" murderers
their reign of terror and murder
- bombing abortion clinics in the US in the latter half of the twentieth century

Even committing cold-blooded murder in THIS country - in "the name God"

THE East Melbourne abortion clinic where a security guard was murdered nine years ago has called for the Victorian government to create exclusion zones around all such clinics to prevent protesters from harassing patients and staff.

A psychologist who works at the Fertility Control Clinic in East Melbourne, Dr Susie Allanson, said that since abortion was decriminalised in 2008, protesters from The Helpers of God's Precious Infants had continued to hound people as they entered and left her workplace on Wellington Parade.

She said clinic staff had called the police and Melbourne City Council almost daily to respond to complaints about the protesters, who thrust pamphlets at patients while telling them not to kill their babies.

''Sometimes patients are in tears when they come in and we've had a partner [of a patient] assault one of them once because he felt so threatened,'' Dr Allanson said.

The protesters also seemed to attract mentally ill people, Dr Allanson said, increasing fear within the clinic.

''They attract all sorts of unbalanced individuals. The gunman who killed our security guard in 2001 stood with them on a couple of occasions and their rhetoric about us being murderers just gives rationale for them to take the next step,'' he said.

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #173 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:59am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:10am:
oh I see... you want INSTANT ANNIHILATION>..

you forget!!! how many bees are ther?????

do you know.?

..... NO ONE REALLY KNOWS its all guess work...

same applies to terrorists....

you forget blow up this beehive and there are many more where they came from...

same with terrorists

in fact.. they will be even angrier that you killed their beehive.. infact you have made many many more enemies..

thats all they needed  another reason to kill

and they know where you live.....because they dont care if your name is quantum...

all they care is they kill someone who is white and christian.. that will do them..

bees like terrorists.. dont care who they kill....

we are all one to them......

this is what you fail to grasp..

you think you can pick out one KING  bee the leader.. the one terrorists who calls the shots and thats it...the rest fall into line..

you wish..

but look I am so glad you are looking out for our bums... and will stand tall against any threats we have in this country.....even if it is over a cartoon....

and I dont mind you bagging me either if it makes you feel that kicking the beehive/terrorists is the BEST  way to go....

btw where do you live quantum

I know you are brave and will tell when the angry bees read terrorists come we can send them your way... you know exactly how to deal with them

Thank you for stinging yourself in the foot. Your little disjointed rant did show one thing very clearly; you think that the terrorist are out there, they are crazy, that they want to kill, and they will do it anyway. So why all this BS over a cartoon? Cartoon or not, you believe the terrorist are out there and want to kill just because we are not one of them. So why do you think they need a cartoon to do this? If there was no cartoon it would just be something else. So what's the solution cods? Just turn the western world into an Islamic state so our ways don't offend them and give them an excuse to kill us?

I have asked this question so many times and you refuse to answer it. You refuse to answer it because once you do your entire hysterical rant it finished. But let's try it again once last time;

Where do you draw the line? What if they stopped the comic to keep the Muslims happy. What next? What happens if they ask for any books which are not pro Muslims to be banned. Do you ban them? What happens if they then ask for kids dolls to get band because they are made in human image. Do you ban them in the hope that they might not shoot up a toy shop? How far would you go cods until you said enough?

Now let's just assume that for you there is no limit. You would do everything the Muslims ask because you are too shlt scared of upsetting the beehive. They want everyone to speak Arabic, do it just incase they shoot us if we offend them with our own language. So if the path of appeasement is your solution, that of course leads us to the other question that you refuse to answer;

What about everyone else? if Buddhist want us to stop cartoons about them, do you stop? What about other religions? What about fringe political parties? What about corporations, companies and other organisations? Do we roll over for everyone who wants to be off limits in cartoons, or only those willing to shot us?

No more shlt beehive analogies. Just answer the questions straight. Do we keep rolling over for Islam one item at a time forever, and if so, do we do the same thing for every other group that wants its way?
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #174 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:00am
In a secular society, proscription against blasphemy has no legal status.

The separation of Church/Religion and State is fundamental to a functioning secular democracy.

The question in this case is simple... Either you believe it is worthy to defend to the death the separation of Church/Religion and State or you don't.

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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #175 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:19am
buzzanddidj wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:55am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 11:02am:
Muslims killed 17 people this time.

[font=Comic Sans MS]They seriously BELIEVE they are being "good Muslims"
At BEST they are "seriously misguided muslims"
At WORST just common murderers
Just as Judaism and Christianity have a commandment of "Thou salt not kill"
- the Quran has a "commandment" directly from God

“…whosoever killeth a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”

So what is the penalty for insulting Islam in Saudi Arabia, do they chop your head off, are the Saudis doing Islam wrong ?

Buzz and smoked J is your typical Islamic apologist, why does he leave the we decreed upon the children of Israel out of his quote with 5/32, that verse does not apply to muslims.

Because of that ,we decreed upon the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption in the land,it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.

I reckon 5/32 is taken out of context more than any other verse by Islamic apologists like Buzz,for some reason they always selectively quote that verse leaving out the we decreed upon the children of Israel.

Of course apologists like Buzz are silent about the death penalty for leaving Islam-
The $Profit said, if a muslim discards his religion,kill him

The Saudi constitution says gods book (quran) and the sunnah of his prophet are the constitution, the sunnah says death for apostasy,this is what Buzz and the Greens support when they call people Islamophobes.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #176 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:21am
buzzanddidj wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:55am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 15th, 2015 at 11:02am:
Muslims killed 17 people this time.

They seriously BELIEVE they are being "good Muslims"
At BEST they are "seriously misguided muslims"
At WORST just common murderers
Just as Judaism and Christianity have a commandment of "Thou salt not kill"
- the Quran has a "commandment" directly from God


“…whosoever killeth a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”

misguided "muslim" murderers
remind me of
misguided "christian" murderers
their reign of terror and murder
- bombing abortion clinics in the US in the latter half of the twentieth century

Even committing cold-blooded murder in THIS country - in "the name God"

THE East Melbourne abortion clinic where a security guard was murdered nine years ago has called for the Victorian government to create exclusion zones around all such clinics to prevent protesters from harassing patients and staff.

A psychologist who works at the Fertility Control Clinic in East Melbourne, Dr Susie Allanson, said that since abortion was decriminalised in 2008, protesters from The Helpers of God's Precious Infants had continued to hound people as they entered and left her workplace on Wellington Parade.

She said clinic staff had called the police and Melbourne City Council almost daily to respond to complaints about the protesters, who thrust pamphlets at patients while telling them not to kill their babies.

''Sometimes patients are in tears when they come in and we've had a partner [of a patient] assault one of them once because he felt so threatened,'' Dr Allanson said.

The protesters also seemed to attract mentally ill people, Dr Allanson said, increasing fear within the clinic.

''They attract all sorts of unbalanced individuals. The gunman who killed our security guard in 2001 stood with them on a couple of occasions and their rhetoric about us being murderers just gives rationale for them to take the next step,'' he said.

That's because they are almost identical Buzz, the same mindset, just with different names.
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Australian Politics

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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #177 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:22am
buzzanddidj wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:55am:
They seriously BELIEVE they are being "good Muslims"
At BEST they are "seriously misguided muslims"
At WORST just common murderers
Just as Judaism and Christianity have a commandment of "Thou salt not kill"
- the Quran has a "commandment" directly from God

“…whosoever killeth a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”

And how does that verse start? What does the next verse say? How about the one after that? If you keep reading you will quickly see that this comment;

buzzanddidj wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:55am:
They seriously BELIEVE they are being "good Muslims"
At BEST they are "seriously misguided muslims"
At WORST just common murderers

Is completely ignorant and straight out wrong. They are doing exactly what a good Muslim should do; overpowering those who corrupt the earth and reject Allah.

Stop apologising for them. Stop quoting that verse out of context. Learn what Islam stands for and understand what actually guides these people.
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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #178 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:29am
Quantum wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:59am:
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:10am:
oh I see... you want INSTANT ANNIHILATION>..

you forget!!! how many bees are ther?????

do you know.?

..... NO ONE REALLY KNOWS its all guess work...

same applies to terrorists....

you forget blow up this beehive and there are many more where they came from...

same with terrorists

in fact.. they will be even angrier that you killed their beehive.. infact you have made many many more enemies..

thats all they needed  another reason to kill

and they know where you live.....because they dont care if your name is quantum...

all they care is they kill someone who is white and christian.. that will do them..

bees like terrorists.. dont care who they kill....

we are all one to them......

this is what you fail to grasp..

you think you can pick out one KING  bee the leader.. the one terrorists who calls the shots and thats it...the rest fall into line..

you wish..

but look I am so glad you are looking out for our bums... and will stand tall against any threats we have in this country.....even if it is over a cartoon....

and I dont mind you bagging me either if it makes you feel that kicking the beehive/terrorists is the BEST  way to go....

btw where do you live quantum

I know you are brave and will tell when the angry bees read terrorists come we can send them your way... you know exactly how to deal with them

Thank you for stinging yourself in the foot. Your little disjointed rant did show one thing very clearly; you think that the terrorist are out there, they are crazy, that they want to kill, and they will do it anyway. So why all this BS over a cartoon? Cartoon or not, you believe the terrorist are out there and want to kill just because we are not one of them. So why do you think they need a cartoon to do this? If there was no cartoon it would just be something else. So what's the solution cods? Just turn the western world into an Islamic state so our ways don't offend them and give them an excuse to kill us?

I have asked this question so many times and you refuse to answer it. You refuse to answer it because once you do your entire hysterical rant it finished. But let's try it again once last time;

Where do you draw the line?

[b]thats where I draw the facebook if someone is being mercilessly abused I would stop it if i could..

What if they stopped the comic to keep the Muslims happy. What next? What happens if they ask for any books which are not pro Muslims to be banned. Do you ban them? What happens if they then ask for kids dolls to get band because they are made in human image. Do you ban them in the hope that they might not shoot up a toy shop? How far would you go cods until you said enough?

you are in hypothetical mode... I dont do hypothetical.

Now let's just assume that for you there is no limit. You would do everything the Muslims ask be

dont assume anything

cause you are too shlt scared of upsetting the beehive. They want everyone to speak Arabic, do it just incase they shoot us if we offend them with our own language. So if the path of appeasement is your solution, that of course leads us to the other question that you refuse to answer;

What about everyone else? if Buddhist want us to stop cartoons about them, do you stop? What about other religions? What about fringe political parties? What about corporations, companies and other organisations? Do we roll over for everyone who wants to be off limits in cartoons, or only those willing to shot us?

only if they threaten to kill you and all around you

No more shlt beehive analogies. Just answer the questions straight. Do we keep rolling over for Islam one item at a time forever, and if so, do we do the same thing for every other group that wants its way?

i know the beehive is far too hard for you..

you prefer hypotheticals to get your point across.

ok my turn..

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Re: The truth about Charlie hebdo comes out
Reply #179 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:43am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:29am:
Quantum wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:59am:
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:10am:
oh I see... you want INSTANT ANNIHILATION>..

you forget!!! how many bees are ther?????

do you know.?

..... NO ONE REALLY KNOWS its all guess work...

same applies to terrorists....

you forget blow up this beehive and there are many more where they came from...

same with terrorists

in fact.. they will be even angrier that you killed their beehive.. infact you have made many many more enemies..

thats all they needed  another reason to kill

and they know where you live.....because they dont care if your name is quantum...

all they care is they kill someone who is white and christian.. that will do them..

bees like terrorists.. dont care who they kill....

we are all one to them......

this is what you fail to grasp..

you think you can pick out one KING  bee the leader.. the one terrorists who calls the shots and thats it...the rest fall into line..

you wish..

but look I am so glad you are looking out for our bums... and will stand tall against any threats we have in this country.....even if it is over a cartoon....

and I dont mind you bagging me either if it makes you feel that kicking the beehive/terrorists is the BEST  way to go....

btw where do you live quantum

I know you are brave and will tell when the angry bees read terrorists come we can send them your way... you know exactly how to deal with them

Thank you for stinging yourself in the foot. Your little disjointed rant did show one thing very clearly; you think that the terrorist are out there, they are crazy, that they want to kill, and they will do it anyway. So why all this BS over a cartoon? Cartoon or not, you believe the terrorist are out there and want to kill just because we are not one of them. So why do you think they need a cartoon to do this? If there was no cartoon it would just be something else. So what's the solution cods? Just turn the western world into an Islamic state so our ways don't offend them and give them an excuse to kill us?

I have asked this question so many times and you refuse to answer it. You refuse to answer it because once you do your entire hysterical rant it finished. But let's try it again once last time;

Where do you draw the line?

[b]thats where I draw the facebook if someone is being mercilessly abused I would stop it if i could..

What if they stopped the comic to keep the Muslims happy. What next? What happens if they ask for any books which are not pro Muslims to be banned. Do you ban them? What happens if they then ask for kids dolls to get band because they are made in human image. Do you ban them in the hope that they might not shoot up a toy shop? How far would you go cods until you said enough?

you are in hypothetical mode... I dont do hypothetical.

Now let's just assume that for you there is no limit. You would do everything the Muslims ask be

dont assume anything

cause you are too shlt scared of upsetting the beehive. They want everyone to speak Arabic, do it just incase they shoot us if we offend them with our own language. So if the path of appeasement is your solution, that of course leads us to the other question that you refuse to answer;

What about everyone else? if Buddhist want us to stop cartoons about them, do you stop? What about other religions? What about fringe political parties? What about corporations, companies and other organisations? Do we roll over for everyone who wants to be off limits in cartoons, or only those willing to shot us?

only if they threaten to kill you and all around you

No more shlt beehive analogies. Just answer the questions straight. Do we keep rolling over for Islam one item at a time forever, and if so, do we do the same thing for every other group that wants its way?

i know the beehive is far too hard for you..

you prefer hypotheticals to get your point across.

ok my turn..


Reading your replies is what is too hard. Do you not understand how to quote and format a post?

So let's get this straight, you draw the line at stopping cartoons. If Muslims want to ban TV you would say no, you only draw the line at cartoons. So if they go on a killing spree because we don't ban TV, let not anyone turn around and say "look, 10,000 killed. Was TV really worth it? Why did we kick the beehive?". No, that was ok to say no. We should draw the line were cods says to draw it.

This is a cracker as well. We should only ban things that people find offensive on this condition;

only if they threaten to kill you and all around you

That's the chicken shlt attitude everyone is arguing against you for cods. Roll over for a bully. Give them your lunch money today, give them your shoes tomorrow. Give them what they want because they threaten you. And you still don't get the WWII examples? You still think appeasing those who threaten you is the way to go? That's pathetic. That is seriously idiotic and spineless.
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