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Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium (Read 3440 times)
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #15 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:15am
stryder wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:59am:
[quote]you didnt see the cartoons as BULLYING.... not everyone saw it your way did they?

It may be interpreted as offensive by them, but are you willing to give ground to these Islamo bullies that being offended by them deserves MURDER OF THESE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM. or you say to these same bastards ITS NOT OK TO MURDER BECAUSE YOU WERE OFFENDED. ???[/quote]

as I keep pointing out stryker..

you are not dealing with the man in the street...

we know that I know that.. BUT we are dealing with something new a new kind of human being...people who are prepared to die for the RELIGION....or at least thats what they think....

we cannot see inside the head of a madman...

do you appease the mad man because in this case he has the upper hand...


no one knows who he is...if Hitler or Stalin came into your space you would recognise them... how would you recognise a mad extreme terrorist?????????????????

if stopping a cartoon would have saved those 17 people.. yep I would happily give ground at that time...

to me its a small thing to do... yet a high price to pay if I dont....
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #16 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:19am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:15am:
stryder wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 9:59am:
[quote]you didnt see the cartoons as BULLYING.... not everyone saw it your way did they?

It may be interpreted as offensive by them, but are you willing to give ground to these Islamo bullies that being offended by them deserves MURDER OF THESE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM. or you say to these same bastards ITS NOT OK TO MURDER BECAUSE YOU WERE OFFENDED. ???[/quote]

as I keep pointing out stryker..

you are not dealing with the man in the street...

we know that I know that.. BUT we are dealing with something new a new kind of human being...people who are prepared to die for the RELIGION....or at least thats what they think....

we cannot see inside the head of a madman...

do you appease the mad man because in this case he has the upper hand...


no one knows who he is...if Hitler or Stalin came into your space you would recognise them... how would you recognise a mad extreme terrorist?????????????????

if stopping a cartoon would have saved those 17 people.. yep I would happily give ground at that time...

to me its a small thing to do... yet a high price to pay if I dont....

Your right, we cant deal with this or fight back as individuals, BUT AS A NATION and a people united.

The Islamo facists operate like a globalised mafia more sophisticated with modern technology whether in weaponry or international mobility, than any mafia before them.

And I stilll dont wanna see us as a people, society or a nation surrender to them under any circumstances, or controling any aspect of free speech because they were offended by a cartoon, NO WAY.
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« Last Edit: Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:25am by stryder »  
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #17 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:20am
BUT we are dealing with something new a new kind of human being...

Are you high?

if stopping a cartoon would have saved those 17 people.. yep I would happily give ground at that time...

And then what cods? World peace? How far would you go to appease terrorists? Would you convert to Islam and force everyone else to if that was all it took to stop them killing us?
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #18 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:20am
freediver wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:12am:
Cods thinks if we appease the terrorists just a little bit they will give up and go home.

Cods this is what the guy was charged with:

Thorne is expected to be charged with two offences – using a carriage service to book a ticket under a false name and using the ticket to travel interstate.

Not for his Muslim opinions in support of terrorists.

I dont know what you are talking about fd....

where did I say they would go home???...

you really do know how to twist dont you..

please show me where I said that..........

if someone was insulting your mother/wife in the media ... would you ask them to stop??..

or would you say .. its their right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH..

if thorn was travelling under a false name then he must have something to hide...he would be on their watch list I would think..
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #19 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:21am
btw fd have you read your rules list...

why the rules if FREEDOM OF SPEECH is so valuable to Australians...??

or are you different from the muslim extremists?

just asking.
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #20 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:23am
where did I say they would go home???...

OK, this is good. You realise that appeasement will not end it or satisfy the terrorists. So, the question remains, how far would you go to appease terrorists?

or are you different from the muslim extremists?

The rules only apply to this forum Cods. I am not slaughtering people to impose them on anyone. Nor am I limiting your speech in any way. Freedom of speech does not mean you can compel others to publish your garbage for you, or compel anyone to listen. If you don't like it, you know what to do.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #21 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:25am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:15am:
if stopping a cartoon would have saved those 17 people.. yep I would happily give ground at that time...

The policewoman and Kosher supermarket victims had nothing to do with the cartoons,muslims have been killing jews since Muhammad hacked off the heads of 800 men from the banu Qurayza

Was it about a dozen killed for cartoons?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #22 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:50am
Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 7:46am:
The news has been leaking out of France how the three terrorists had been known to the police and the security agencies for years, and their courts had repeatedly given them slaps on the wrist for drugs and other criminal offences.

The entire system conspired to keep the two brothers especially, out of jail and walking around like an arsenal of Live Ammunition looking for somewhere to explode.

These three were loose cannons of known 'bad attitude' and criminal character who a dozen French agencies and authorities allowed to remain free without let or hindrance as a danger to the public.

It's the same in the UK, and has been the same here. This 'do-nothing' policy of 'wait-and-see' has been costing innocent lives under the sponsorship of governments and government agencies preferring to do nothing rather than stir up paranoid animosities within the Muslim Ghetto Communities. 

These terrorists picking up a gun and travelling to shoot at people is the very last in a long chain of government policy decisions, court decisions, and security agencies' decisions that all cooperate in allowing these things to actually materialise as a terrorist slaughter.

The actual shooting is the end-result of official neglect, procrastination, complacency, and sheer laziness that finally gives rise to a terrorist murder spree.

And then we hear that Australia and other western countries have been letting their ISIS fighters back into the country as free people to foment and stew with fundamentalist passion back at home in their urban suburbs.

Political funk is costing lives.

Hi Lord Herbert,
This raid in Belgium is proof -

we in Australia have to round them up & put them in jail
before they can attack us.

Let's call it internment without trial as was tried in Ireland.
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #23 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 11:09am
Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:25am:
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:15am:
if stopping a cartoon would have saved those 17 people.. yep I would happily give ground at that time...

The policewoman and Kosher supermarket victims had nothing to do with the cartoons,muslims have been killing jews since Muhammad hacked off the heads of 800 men from the banu Qurayza

Was it about a dozen killed for cartoons?

yes you are right....

you have heard of the old saying

killing a bird with one stone..

yep I am sure those extremists have as well...

it was all planned.... ev en they said so...

but you see the cartoon./was the excuse and the real reason...the jews well why not they were close by after all.. and I guess Charlie couldnt have cared less about them either...

we have to realise these guys dont need much of a n excuse...
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #24 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 11:28am
Cods how far would you go to appease these terrorists?
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #25 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 11:36am
cods wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:20am:
freediver wrote on Jan 16th, 2015 at 10:12am:
Cods thinks if we appease the terrorists just a little bit they will give up and go home.

Cods this is what the guy was charged with:

Thorne is expected to be charged with two offences – using a carriage service to book a ticket under a false name and using the ticket to travel interstate.

Not for his Muslim opinions in support of terrorists.

I dont know what you are talking about fd....

where did I say they would go home???...

you really do know how to twist dont you..

please show me where I said that..........

if someone was insulting your mother/wife in the media ... would you ask them to stop??..

or would you say .. its their right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH..

if thorn was travelling under a false name then he must have something to hide...he would be on their watch list I would think..

Hi Cods,
The Pope would agree with you:

Charlie Hebdo:
Pope Francis says if you swear at my mother 'expect a punch'.

Pope Francis has said there are limits to the freedom of expression - and that anyone who swears at his mother deserves a punch.

Francis spoke about the Paris attacks while on his way to the Philippines, where around 1,500 Muslims protested yesterday against the depictions of the Prophet in the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

He said that freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights however he added that he believes there should be limits to offending and ridiculing the faiths and beliefs of others.

By way of example, he referred to Alberto Gasparri, who organises his trips and was standing by his side on board the papal plane.

“If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch,” Francis said while pretending to throw a punch in his direction.

He added: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #26 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 12:29pm
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #27 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 12:30pm
"You are correct, Your Honour - I do hold this court in contempt!"

-Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter.

Point is - when it is the body itself being satirised etc that has grievous fault - it is intensely hypocritical to suggest it is OK to hit the satirist.

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« Last Edit: Jan 16th, 2015 at 12:37pm by Grappler Deep State Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #28 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 12:48pm
**bucket of naked petrol on the embers...**

"Aussie traitor wants to ‘spill blood’ in extremist fight

    Extremist urges 'spill blood' in Australia

A ROXBURGH Park student, who has threatened to “spill blood” in Australia, left the country to fight in Syria with fellow Melburnian and playboy turned terrorist Mahmoud Abdullatif.

Rahman and Abdullatif flew to Syria together last September and they have remained close in the battle zone.

The pair often exchange social media missives and post pictures at each other houses.

Rahman was also quick to jump to his friends defence when media outlets dubbed Abdullatiff a male “bimbo”.

Rahman, 23, posted a series of pictures of the pair of them posing with automatic weapons at Abdullatif’s home.

“Livin the high life in jihad dowla style latifzz place,” Rahman said.

Playboy turned terrorist Abdullatif recently got married in Syria and asked to receive a “beautiful death.”

Both Abdullatif and Rahman have had their Twitter account pulled down for their extremist rantings.

The extremists grew up in the same neighbourhoods in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, the Herald Sun has been told they flew to Syria with two other men from Melbourne.

Rahman was also a childhood friend of one of the Tiba clan.

Members of the notorious Tiba crime family were locked in a shooting war with another Lebanese family throughout 2011.

Judge Mark Dean said Rahman tried to stand over a witness in an armed robbery trial against members of the Tiba family out of a sense of misguided loyalty to childhood friend Abdul Tiba.

After the arrest Rahman had told the witness: “my uncles are going to go away for three to four years, and when they get out they’re not going to be happy.”

Last night Rahman’s distraught father said his son had brought “shame” on the family.

“We hoped he would never get into this type of thing,” Lutfur Rahman said.

“It is very sad.”

Victoria Police is also investigating a threat Rahman made over social media on Monday. The Herald Sun has chosen not to detail its specific nature."
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Muslim terrorists raided in Belgium
Reply #29 - Jan 16th, 2015 at 12:53pm
more muslims, more terrorists
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