I thought this video that I came across with former president Bill clinton interviewed by seth meyer, when talking about radical islamists in light of the paris attacks,
was quite interesting, I wish world leaders in the west, would use this kind of language instead of politically correct newspeak.
“You read the profile of the two guys most prominently involved in the killing and how they got sucked into this by somebody essentially using religion and religious politics to advocate the world’s greatest double standard,” Clinton told the late night host.
“If you come to our country, we won’t let you worship the way you want. We won’t let you say what you want. They won’t let you do what you want to do,” Clinton continued.
“However we have come to your country, therefore we have a right to do whatever we want to do, including kill you if you make us mad
To the apologists of the Islamic religion, do you think Bill clinton went too far, or do you think he is an islamophobe from the comments he made ???? if you think so, why ?
Quite frankly, I think this is the kind of language that should come out of all leaders in the western world, including Tony abbott, INSTEAD OF THIS OH ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE, BS, after every radical muslim attack.