red baron wrote on Jan 17
th, 2015 at 1:58pm:
Svengali is an apologist for the Muslims. They have come to this Country and been offered the best there is, a chance to make a good future free of the danger of the latest Muslim cult like ISIS; to come knocking in the middle of the might with murder on their mind.
And how does this Community repay us who have allowed them into our midst? They spawn a cult like ISIS with followers who spew death as a thank you for all that we have done for them.
And how many of the stalwart Muslim Community have come forward and provided Intelligence on those among their ranks who ferment this poison?
Seems similar to Nazi Germany, don't give up your brother even if he happens to be a screaming raging ISIS follower who wants to reap violence on the Community that has provided so much for his brothers.
I am f.....g sick and tired of hearing how great the Muslim Community is, when they stay tight lipped about the fanatics amongst them.
Don't worry though the Police already know who 98% of them are.
How many of these same 'disenfranchised' Muslims would be living in a good house with air con, and enjoying good education opportunities and at least equal job opportunities not even including affirmative action, healthcare that keeps them going along well and cheaply, drive a nice car, have a business that returns good money and many tax dodges etc, be able to enter politics, enjoy good and readily available food and so forth - if they were still living in 'the old country'?
Many such would be dead by age four or so......
Time for a little farken gratitude for those who built this country, often without all the easy privileges this lot get handed to them if they just want to accept them and not piss all over them.....
(the above statement written and spoken by the non-Party affiliated Grappler himself, and no personal inference is imputed or handed free to any ghett out there.. you get to EARN your inference of being an asshole)....