cods wrote on Jan 18
th, 2015 at 9:54am:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 18
th, 2015 at 9:49am:
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 18
th, 2015 at 9:16am:
How far does the defence of provocation for murder extend? How badly do you have to be offended before it's o.k to chop someone's head off or blow up a school bus?
It's never ever ok to chop heads off, ever.
However, if you feel the need to provoke some madman to the extent they want to chop your head off, go for it.
Is the provocation necessary in the name of free speech. I think not, however we should all be entitled to provoke certain groups if we feel like doing so, but we should always be prepared to take the consequences because by now we know what they will likely be.
well said pansi..... we have to take our share of the responsibility for the consequences....
if a man belts a women up and then blames the alcohol HE DRANK....I shake my head.....but so many males think like that..
they have a magic button somewhere that says they did nothing wrong it was someone or something else..
cods, you and pansi are just being illogical. you are saying that if provocation causes someone to lose their temper, then the provoker must share some of the blame.
this is a NONSENSE
the fact you then try to support your arguement using the case of domestic violence proves the lack of logic.
in what circumstances in australia would the police turn up to a scene of a bashed woman and try to sheet home some of the blame to the woman for provoking her partner. it would never happen. it is ILLOGICAL.
the person who loses their temper wears 100 % of the blame and rightly so.
we run "anger management classes " in australia.
we do not run "provocation management classes"
the person who becomes angry IS THE CULPRIT. full stop.
you cannot blame your anger on anyone. it is YOUR emotion.
this is grade 1 social training.
i find your and pansis position just straight out perplexing