Quote:I have never indicated or demonstrated other than support for their right to publish that which they choose to.
Quite a mouthful there Phem. You have avoided taking any kind of stance at all. Do you support Charlie Hebdo's right to publish those cartoons?
Quote:dont anyone want to tell him tha
t no one can appease mad brain washed fanatics........
Doesn't stop you trying though, does it cods? How far would you go to appease terrorists?
Quote:and he is slowly becoming just like them.... demanding and repetitive..
So the whole slaughtering innocent people aspect is irrelevant to you?
Quote:Is the provocation necessary in the name of free speech. I think not, however we should all be entitled to provoke certain groups if we feel like doing so, but we should always be prepared to take the consequences because by now we know what they will likely be.
Are you suggesting you can predict the next terrorist attack Pansi? If you're foresight as as crystal clear as your hindsight, why didn't you warn Charlie Hebdo?
Quote:well said pansi..... we have to take our share of the responsibility for the consequences....
How are we to blame for the terrorist attacks in France cods? This is a new low for you.
Quote:if a man belts a women up and then blames the alcohol HE DRANK....I shake my head.....but so many males think like that..
Yet you happily clame Charlie Hebdo.
Quote:they have a magic button somewhere that says they did nothing wrong it was someone or something else..
Who does? Charlie Hebdo? What do you think they did that was so 'wrong' cods?
Quote:you cannot blame your anger on anyone. it is YOUR emotion.
this is grade 1 social training.
Cods can blame it on the cartoonists. And us, somehow.
Quote:If he actually "manned up" he would simply walk away. But go ahead keep defending cowardly lashing out with violence no worries.
Like you defend the terrorists Phem?
Quote:freediver's response to that:
No Aussie. My response was go ahead and start a thread dedicated to it. You and the other apologists will only bring it up to deflect from your appeasement of terrorists. You will not start a new thread on it because that would be just another thread highlighting the utter stupidity of your posts.
Quote:freediver, it is by way of my reaction to your dismissiveness and outright insulting and intolerable arrogance that I choose to snipe into your Threads, because to do otherwise would be an act of appeasement I am not willing to take.
But you will happily appease terrorists?
Quote:in the case of the cartoon.. it had not a thing to do with the law
it was dealing with COMMON DECENCY....
stop insulting stop BULLYING...
why is that such a HARD thing to so????>..
Cods, it is not a hard thing to do. It is the easy way out, and you with all your 'logical analysis' should see that. But it is the wrong thing to do. Self censorship in the face of attacks on freedom of speech is the best way to loose your freedom of speech. So tell us cods, how far would you go to appease terrorists? What else would you insist people should not do because Muslims are overly sensitive? If Muslims went apeshit every time we criticised Islam, would you start telling people to stop criticising Islam?
Quote:hats not fair freedumb.......I have told you over and over what I would do.. just because you are too dumb to understand it.. not my fault..
You have not answered the question cods. You have said what you would do to appease terrorists, but you have not sauid what you would not do. You have not said where you would draw the line. So haw far would you go to appease terrorists? Which of your freedoms would you deny your children?
Quote:pansi quite missed the point I was making...as have others..
the drunk blames the booze for his actions...
And the spineless appeasers blame the victims, not the terrorists, right cods? Even we are somehow to blame, aren't we?
Quote:b oth... knew something bad would happen ... if they chose to stay/keep drawing...
No they did not cods. This is your spineless appeasement talking, not reality. The terrorists want people to fear any sort of criticism of Islam because they do not know who will become a victim, and the want idiotic appeasement monkeys to run around blaming the victim after the fact
and telling everyone they knew all along what was going to happen and only have themselves to blame. You are doing the terrorists bidding for them. You are even lying on their behalf to help their cause. No-one here goes out of their way more than you to assist the cause of terrorism. This is about as low as it gets. Or maybe not. No wonder you refuse to say how much lower you would go.
Quote:I did not say anything at all about it BEING OK..
But you did say Charlie Hebdo was in the wrong. You did say freedom of speech is not worth standing up for. You even came up with some deluded BS that this outcome was entirely predictable, even though previous experience says the opposite. What could we possibly call this, other than spineless appeasement?