As someone else wrote above, fight back. That is easier said than done, if we fight back and print or draw racist or anti religious depictions, you go directly to jail, do not pass go. The MEDIA will also not report that a person is advocating for freedom of speech and if (we) cant tell our side of the story or argument then no one will hear::::
We will rot in jail, incommunicado, no PRESS, in a dark place.
So, it is a lost cause because without media coverage any event (did not happen).
NOTE the media is all powerful, groups who the media agree with, or sympathise with get heaps of free publicity.
IF a cause, say more freedom to own firearms by the public, this would be a lost cause, BECAUSE the media will give a slanted version, or no coverage.
THIS fight for freedom of speech should have been fought when the changes to our laws was being debated. The Liberal government recently was again defeated in making amendments to the laws of speech, LOST, why? Greens and Labour opposed the sections in question.
Jumping up and down and getting angry changes nothing, being in jail for some cartoon drawn or slur to some religious of ethnic group, will not change the law, a person needs to be free to make changes, and needs the total support of the government of the day and the MEDIA.