[quote author=greggerypeccary
arent you just a little bit jealous.?....in my day it was only us girls that cheated... with tissues....now you can pay god knows what for what they call chicken fillets....does the same job as tissues....just costs more..lolol [/quote]
Me ...Yes of course....
He reminds me of an old Vietnamese bloke I knew...
Him Hung Long or was it Hung Long? Sad when you reach 70 it all becomes a bit vague!
I think you are thinking about the Asian piano player...when someone called out
do you know.. you have one hanging down..
and he replied.. sorry me have never heard of that song [/quote]
There's an old bloke in the nursing home playing the piano on a hot day with shorts on.
One of the ladies listening to his concert notices a ball, followed by another ball, making their way out of his shorts.
To try and head off a catastrophe she leaps up and whispers in his ear: ”Do you know your nuts are hanging down through the old wicker chair?”
To which he replies, “No, I don’t do country and western, but if you hum a few bars I’ll pick it up pretty quick.” [/quote]
I am confused, this topic is clearly freedom of speech, pages of it. You with this post bring it to another level, "like who cares, as long as I get a post", crude and off topic. You are a very sad case.
Yes the is freedom of speech and you are allowed to post whatever you like, crude, inappropriate and what a waste of time.
Not sure what I can say about that idiot Lambie, stay with the theme, or possibly you are just anti everything, nothing better to do and just post because you can. Some old people should just quietly pass into the night, and enjoy what few years they have.