cods wrote on Jan 22
nd, 2015 at 10:40am:
its interesting isnt it.?..
had they not drawn the ugly cartoon they would still be alive..yet somehow this isnt about what they drew???.
I just hope those good folks who worked at charlie realize they died for the worlds principle thats all
I cant get it out of my head
what must their last thoughts have been as they saw these masked madmen rush in.. not even a chance to say i love you to their loved ones...their last moments looking into the eyes of pure HATRED......
but of course they died for principles...
well done you guys the ultimate sacrifice...
.I am not sure it was worth it.. and or how our FoS has changed since your life was taken....
but I am sure it will become clear soon..
I do not like people bullying members by word on posts in forums. WE can have our say, without vitriol or the constant tagging. We are all entitled to an opinion, and use words to express our thinking. Don't like labels, and I guess its a two way street, one starts the other does not know when to stop. Everyone wants the last word, the last sting. Guess in a very small way that is Freedom of Speech. To express oneself in words that are meant to offend others is what I object to. Yea, so what, just putting it out there.
Now, reading this post "principal" I focus on that because as well as freedom, it is also about principal, what we believe in, whether others understand or even believe in our principal is not the point. Good people on principal will do many thing, and if need be die for that principal, that line drawn in the sand over which others may not cross. It is a symbolic line, a word, deed, belief, but a line never the less.
Since the dawn of time men and women have died for principals, freedom, the right to speak and be heard. To not be Subjugated to follow their God or belief. There are some who cannot and never will understand why some are willing to die for a belief, a principal. This is what makes us different. There are many who will watch as another is set upon by many, they do nothing out of fear that they may then also be attacked. I have a problem with this, but then I am not of that mindset.
WE, and being an Australian I will not speak of others, we have since the Boar war sent men and women into conflict areas, for reasons that some cannot and will not ever understand. Some people cannot understand why another will take up arms to defend a small piece of dirt, here or in other places.
During the Vietnam war it was impossible to convince on side that we needed to be there, they did not understand, communism was not a word they understood.
Supporting allies was not a word they understood. All the way with LBJ was something they did not understand.
However the men and women who went, so to pay an ultimate sacrifice went mainly because that was their job. "theirs was not to reason why, theirs was but to do or die". Tennyson. That is to simplistic, but they went because their country asked them to, some mothers and fathers never understood, they also marched in anti demonstrations. So, the argument rages, why does one person NOT understand what that principal to proceed on a certain cause can lead to, why do they continue down a path that can at times ask for that ultimate sacrifice. Possibly because we all think differently. Sons die, are wounded or maimed, fathers, uncles and brothers and sisters never return, MOTHERS ask why?
I have no answer, I'm not certain anyone else does either, for if we did, then the word PRINCIPAL would be understood and no questions asked, but I fear words to some are just words, they need to seek more and exact retribution.
Possibly the west, that's us, are more understanding of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, those in other lands of other faiths may not be so understanding and hence they se us as infidels and feel the need to follow what course that is way beyond our understanding.