Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2015 at 6:18am:
Why is it, that some people here seem to think that freedom of speech is synonymous with freedom of stupidity?
Hi Lisa, if you are saying its "stupid" to have posted the cartoons, you may have a point....but that's not the point.
If I have a mad stallion at my place (and ive had a few) I would be "stupid' to get in the roundyard with him.
But that's not the point.
You cant allow a mad critter to run amok in your kingdom (as others have rightly said ...this is appeasement....and it would only make the stallion MORE dangerous, MORE aggressive, MORE of a threat.
So, as ruler of the farm, you have a duty of care to yourself and every other animal living under YOUR protection to tame this beast.
You will have to put in a lot of effort, you will have to isolate him, you will have to "turn up the heat" and "turn it up relentlessly" til he comes to the realisation that YOU are in charge. You will have to turn him into a whipped dog, you will have to dominate, you will have to be the alpha, you will have to show him "who's boss" relentlessly and unceasingly.
This does not have to be done in an emotional hateful way. It is an education process.
I think if Vlad Putin was PM of france, the correct protocols would be put in place.
No messing about, you cant have wild animals running amok and you use a stockwhip, a cattle prod, a rifle , a shotgun or a frigging artillery piece to eliminate the threat but you never, ever, ever, ever appease a wild animal as it only emboldens them and makes the task more difficult down the track.