Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 20
th, 2015 at 2:59pm:
As for the west, well! they've had their hour in the sun, it's time for change, as we are now seeing. I don't really care if the west falls, it's their own fault for continuing with their colonialism and greed , they've had it coming.
Dame pansi,from the THREAD,
That is Dame pansi mind. said it right there
Used freedon of speech to let us see what he thinks,
That's right stryder. In reference to economic power. Do you have any idea that America's great empire is about to fall flat on its face? Do you even know that, or more importantly do you acknowledge it? Do you know why? Because of unrestricted greed, unfettered capitalism.
Yes, they had it coming. [/quote]
Let me enter your little argument. By the post it infers that America is about to fall. Greed and capitalism. "America's great empire is about to fall flat on its face. Actually America never had an Empire.
IF America falls it may be prudent to get some supplies into your house, a house well away from any roads or towns.
May I suggest it is in your best interest, oh! and your families that America not fall, or stumble or hick up. Yours and your families life depends on it.
The statement that you don't care, well you better care because if America does fall, what the hell do you think will happen in the first 48 hours after that. The American Dollar is critical, America owes China Upteen billions. Russia and China if America fall will be interesting to watch, think about not caring if they fall.