Phemanderac wrote on Feb 16
th, 2015 at 8:34am:
freediver wrote on Feb 16
th, 2015 at 7:30am:
Fair enough. Lets get back on topic. Cods do you think that rewarding terrorists for acts of terrorism by giving them what they want will discourage them from using terrorism to get what they want?
So, stopping terrorism is the topic now? I see, how silly to think the thread title had something to do with the topic.
So, in terms of stopping terrorism then, do you think that anything done currently is actually stopping terrorists from committing acts of terrorism?
What reward is Cods offering up specifically and how does the offer of these "rewards" translate to stopping (or not) terrorism?
Has the death of 17 journalists/cartoonists (in short non terrorists) in anyway shape or form reduced acts of terrorism?
It seems to me that with regard to fanatical, one eyed maniacs, nothing will actually appease them or stop them finding an excuse to behave like arseholes. But I am sure that badgering Cods for her comments will do its bit for world peace - I guess we have to be heroic where we can...
Terrorism works!The entire history of ISLAM attests to the fact that the use of terror [by moslems] has served the interests of moslems/ISLAM well.
Mohammed himself attested to that fact [that terrorism works] in the Hadith.Moslems have come to understand [through previous experience], that if they threaten violence against a group, very often the mere threat of their violence [intimidation], will have an effect which is to the advantage of 'the moslem'.
This consequence occurs, because those who have been threatened [by 'the moslem'] will often see no harm in appeasing 'the moslem' in his demands, in order to avoid the other 'consequences' of displeasing him.
cods is saying that we should follow that common historic response to intimidation, emanating from the moslem community.
freedom of speech = = the freedom to express ideas and concepts.But, moslems reject all ideas and concepts which they [moslems] deem to be un-ISLAMIC in their basis,
OR, ideas and concepts which they [moslems] deem to threaten the integrity of the ideas and concepts which ISLAM itself, promotes in the world.And in that, we come back to a necessary recognition by us, of the wholly supremacist [fascist] nature of ISLAM.
[Wherever moslems have become a significantly large minority, within a larger non-moslem host community]....
ISLAM takes to itself, the 'divine' right to oppose and prohibit the broadcasting of any ideas and concepts which do not actively promote the interests of ISLAM/moslems - on pain of death! [e.g. Charlie Hebdo attacks, Copenhagen attacks, etc]
try to impose a new 'reasonable' 'idea', upon those that they [moslems] live among, the new and 'reasonable' idea, that scrutiny and criticism of the ideas and concepts which ISLAM promotes in the world, should be strictly prohibited.
Why so ?
Because the masters of ISLAM [i.e. the clerics] know that there is no benefit to ISLAM, if they were to ever allow any scrutiny [and consequent criticism] of the ideas and concepts which ISLAM promotes in the world.
Any scrutiny [and consequent criticism] of ISLAM, can never serve the interests of ISLAM/moslems.
Any scrutiny [and consequent criticism] of ISLAM, can only ever be to the detriment of the interests of ISLAM/moslems !!
Appeasing the moslem opposition to cartoon-ery, will result in the loss of our freedoms;freedom of speech = = is the right to be able to freely publish a cartoon which uses truth combined with ridicule,
to satirise corrupt and foolish men.
Which is a right which is NOT,
NOT curtailed by ISLAMIC law, if i am a French man/woman or if i am a Danish man/woman.
But if as cods proposes, i choose to curtail the expression of my own freedoms [freedoms that are protected in the laws of France and Denmark], because of the threats of what 'the moslem' may do against me,
then i am [in effect!] giving power to ISLAMIC law, above the laws of France and Denmark, which protect my freedoms, which my forefathers fought and died for.
If i [as a citizen of France or Denmark] choose to appease the sensibilities of moslems who live among us, and curtail the expression of my own freedoms,
THEN BY DEFAULT, i have allowed 'the moslem' [who lives among us] to become the arbiter of the rights freedoms which i may be allowed to enjoy.