stryder wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2015 at 10:13pm:
The amount of bile and abuse you spill there strongly suggest hatred there to sense, and is not consistent with whatever you tried to spin there in your last post
that's only because thats what you want to see in there ... hatred is a strong emotion, i believe possibly the strongest apart from love .. not sure about you, but I have no emotion that strong about anonymous people on the internet or even in politics. Contempt, ridicule, despisal, antipathy .. chose whatever other word you like, but not hatred.
stryder wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2015 at 10:13pm:
Hey, I witnessed you getting slandered with threats because I guess you like to ride people so far and express it as smart, but rather just show a side OF YOURSELF that you find offensive in the cons you criticise.
i do like to ride people, but that doesn't mean I hate them. Unlike you i usually try not to pigeon hole people ... sure, I use the term righties, which some may argue is pigeon holing, but thats not why I do it .. this is a politics forum, i need a word to describe the 'opposition'. I see everyone on here as unique in their own way.