Rocketanski wrote on Jan 24
th, 2015 at 10:00am:
Phemanderac wrote on Jan 24
th, 2015 at 9:57am:
Rocketanski wrote on Jan 24
th, 2015 at 9:44am:
Must be hard living in a country you have so little respect for.
I have a great deal of respect and love for the country I live in, a number of the people I share it with though I do not have the same level of love or respect for.
No worries though, whether I love/respect them or not, the invitation to celebrate little white penal day is joyfully extended to one and all, yourself included.
I hope you are able to embrace your own little white penal day along with the rest of us.
Oh yeah, sounds like you love and respect it.

calling Australia's national day Little White Penal Day really demonstrates that respect. Do you demonstrate respect for your wife by calling her a big fat bitch?
Look mate, history is pretty clear on this, on the 26th of January, 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip claimed this land in the name of King George III as the "Penal Colony of NSW".... Nothing to do with "Australia" at that time....
Hence, it is actually celebrating the set up of the "Penal Settlement" consequently, the term "Little White Penal" day is far more apt a title than Australia day....
You might need to review your history a wee bit more thoroughly.
Further, calling my wife a fat bitch would be;
a) Derrogatory and disrespectful
b) Verbal abuse, at least as I understand it.
c) Involving a family member on the board (clearly without consent by the way)
d) A few breaches of the boards rules as they stand.
It's probably ok though, you will most likely get away with that I am sure. Hell, even if you don't get away with it, none of us will be any the wiser - that of course is not your responsibility or fault though - that's all about transparency.
Finally, I coined the term "Little White Penal Day" specifically because I do love/respect my country, but have nothing but abject disdain for what many people have turned that into.
You don't get it obviously, so to be clear, I have no respect or love for you and those like minded people whose views and perspectives do not enhance what this country has the potential to be.
Little white penal day is apt historically - or do you deny the origins of the colony in NSW was as a Penal Camp? Secondly it is apt because of the exclusive, divisive and arrogant attitudes of those who consider Australia being all about being "white".