Kat wrote on Jan 26
th, 2015 at 8:14am:
I do not and will not buy the BS about invasion and genocide.
Neither are true, nor were they ever.
Both are a result of the politically-correct attempting to re-write history.
Spruiking that sort of crap will get NO sympathy from me.
Whilst "Invasion and Genocide" were not the driving forces behind setting up the Penal Settlement (establishing the Penal Colony was the driving motivator) it is quite easy to see;
a) How indigenous people's would frame the arrival of white colonists as an invasion - rightly or wrongly. In a sense, that perception needs to be addressed thoughtfully for it to be put to rest once and for all.
b) The Genocide bit, well, there have certainly been some aspects of genocidal behaviour throughout the history of this land since the Little White Penal settlement was first set up. Once again, it is mostly to do with perception most likely, however, people get quite attached to their perceptions, attached enough to fight over them in fact.
As far as an "invasion" goes, I have put this to a group of Aboriginal men previously - if the establishment of a Penal Settlement consisting of about 1500 people was an invasion, how is it your land (the indigenous people) was taken over by a mere 1500 people, most of whom were malnourished convicts...?
Not really an invasion, but a mightily emotive slogan.
It does not remove the reality that people (regardless of colour, religion or social grouping) are imminently capable of being really nasty, aggressive and mindlessly violent towards other people...