Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 25
th, 2015 at 7:57am:
Every second story coming in from overseas news sources has an article about Islam being a pain in the arse again.
It just never stops.
No wonder gandalf and the ummah crowd want censorship of western news stories that reflect badly on Islam.
"To be halal certified the animal must be facing Mecca, have its throat cut while still alive and then ritually sacrificed by a Muslim who recites a prayer dedicating the slaughter to Allah".It must be facing Mecca.
Jesus Christ, gandalf ~ do you really subscribe to this fantastic nonsense?
link Ah, the Daily Hate again, Herbie. A perennial favourite. What's happened to Mr. Pickering? Isn't he producing enough hate for you?
Halal slaughter described.Kosher slaughter described.If you read the descriptions, the only way they differ is in the direction the animal faces during slaughter. However, only in the section on Halal are the words:
Quote:The main concern with...slaughter is whether or not pre-slaughter stunning is used.
So, why is the concern about stunning only mentioned WRT to Halal?
Further, as the piece itself goes on to point out:
Quote:In Australia, the national standard for meat production requires that all animals must be effectively stunned (unconscious) prior to slaughter. The vast majority of halal slaughter in Australia complies with this standard, that is, all animals are stunned prior to slaughter.
So, if (nearly all) animals are stunned, why mention this concern, at all? Why isn't it mentioned in the section on Kosher slaughter?
Just another example of the special attention Muslims receive because of Islamophobia...