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Why did he do it? (Read 5450 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #30 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 12:38am
____ wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:35pm:
NZ's rightwing government did it in 2012

Canadia's rightwing government did it in 2013

Australia's rightwing dipstick did it in 2015.

He was just following the mob.
Well there you go. I think you got your answer. He's a monarchist at heart. Other conservative governments in the C/W have done the same thing because they're all monarchist sycophants as well and so Abort does it thinking he will get away with it.
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #31 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 12:38am
____ wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:35pm:
NZ's rightwing government did it in 2012

Canadia's rightwing government did it in 2013

Australia's rightwing dipstick did it in 2015.

He was just following the mob.
Well there you go. I think you got your answer. He's a monarchist at heart. Other conservative governments in the C/W have done the same thing because they're all monarchist sycophants as well and so Abort does it thinking he will get away with it.
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #32 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 5:14am
Karnal wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 10:18pm:
So far, no one’s even suggested why the husband of the Queen would be awarded a knighthood by an antipodean Prime Minister. The Duke of Edinburgh Awards don’t come close as a reason for "services to Australia".

As a student back in the 70s, Tony Abbott posted pictures of the queen and the pope around Sydney Uni as a reaction against the left’s pictures of Che Guevara. It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

Or was it?

Tony Abbott has not even bothered to suggest why he would knight a senior British royal. He says now it was all a big mistake, but was it really?

Could it have been an attempt to resurrect a debate on the monarchy? Was it part of a campaign to consolidate support for the royals in what, in the Queen’s final years, will result in the succession of Charles IV? Was Tony Abbott simply making a sincere gesture of gratitude towards a senior royal in the last stages of life? Or was his "captain’s pick" simply his authoritarian loyalist streak on display in a bizarre Oedipal prank gone wrong?

To date, no one’s even questioned the motives - or the reasons - for such a move. Most tellingly, least of all Abbott himself.


Comrade, you're over-analysing things again. Just call Abbott a racist, sexist or bigot and be done with it. This is progress.
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #33 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 5:17am
Abbott's a conservative and a Monarchist. They believe in rank orders. End of story. Move along.
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #34 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 5:41am
Karnal wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:22pm:
Dnarever wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:10pm:
Of all of Abbotts errors this would have to be the most benign.

Not for Abbott. For him, such issues are at the heart of why he entered politics.

He couldn’t care less about the whole Liberal economic reform agenda, which is why "his" budget must be such a heavy crown to bear.

For Abbott, bringing back the honours system will be one of his crowning achievements - no doubt akin to Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generation. It would seem that Abbott really does want to take Australia back to the Menzies years - as literally as possible.

This is not whether the decision is harmful or not, it’s about the motives of the decision. Why do you think he did it?

You do understand that in all probability Tony is still very much a British citizen and likely entitled to vote in British elections etc, Phil really is Tony's prince.
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #35 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:20am
Karnal wrote on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:14pm:
Try going to England and declaring yourself a British citizen. Back in the day, any white Australian could do it. Barry Humphries, Germaine Greer, Clive James.

Good luck now.

Yes this is a very interesting topic there was a lot involved in the decisions in this period and mostly reciprocal to what was occurring in the UK.

One of the Mods here regularly whines about his parents losing their automatic rights in Australia as British citizens at the time.

The UK were joining with the European community. This meant that Australia had to be dropped as a major trading partner.

The UK also put an end to Australians having automatic access to the UK as British citizens.

Australia later reciprocated this decision.

Just info - Around 1950 a little earlier maybe there was no such thing as an Australian citizen - we were all British. My parents were born in Australia but were British subjects. This was only an administrative change Australian's were still recognised as British subjects. This legislation was only made so that there would be a difference between Australians and visitors from the UK - Before 1950 there was no way to tell the difference.

Note: there are still some pre 1984 British citizens in Australia who are allowed to vote. When the change was made anyone currently registered to vote were allowed to continue.
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« Last Edit: Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:33am by Dnarever »  
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #36 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:30am
Maybe this:

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Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos and Liberal Lies
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #37 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:59am
have I not been saying for some time that big spending , ex catholic priest, Tony Abbott is a labor mole in the liberal party.
He has played his role well, almost like those Russian "sleeper" spies who were raised with American families and "activated" decades later.

The Jesuit priesthood tony tried to join is the ABSOLUTE COMPLETE OTHER END OF THE UNIVERSE  to the the business council of Australia,

Tony has been reactivated and now seeks to destroy the right side of politics from within.


He knew this would be the master stroke to foil Campbell and ensure that compassionate, big spending labor won in QLD and the big business (which at his core he despises) would be thwarted. His timing is impeccable.
He will wreck the liberal party (which he despises...even if only in a subcounscious way).

You are a smart guy K.  Surely you can see this is a deliberate strategy of termiting his own organisation.
This is obvious to me. I'm sure if you wash the dust from your eyes you will see tony for the complex DLP type person that he is.  The Bob Santamaria  seeking vengeance on all that old money , blue blood liberals
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St George of the Garden
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #38 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 7:55am
Why don’t you and all the Lib shills on here take some responsibility. Choosing Abbott as Leader was an act of lunacy, of putting winning above policy.

Mind you, the neocon experiment has about run its course, but blaming Labor for Abbott? Complete abdication of responsibility!

Woukd be nice if the Lib shills on here recognised Howard’s profligate spending which with Costello’s no longer sustainable tax cuts are the source of our Budget problems, while their whipping up a real estate boom and feeding it with the pork and tax cuts means we have a highly indebted private sector handicapping economic activity and growth. Then add the Lib trash talking of the economy and a harsh and unfair Budget for destroying confidence.

Then we can argue on some sort of sensible, realistic level.
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Julius Abbott
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #39 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 7:56am
Why did he do it?

Abbott sees himself as a subject of the British Empire rather than an Australian.

Note that he still fails to prove renunciation of British citizenship  -  even Obama eventually produced a birth certificate.
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Abbott promised no tax hikes & no cuts to the ABC

There's a 'budget emergency', so we will give $9 billion to the Reserve Bank, spend $12 billion on some dubious jets, $2 billion to bomb Iraq, etc.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #40 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 7:59am
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« Last Edit: Feb 3rd, 2015 at 8:04am by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #41 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 7:59am
aquascoot wrote on Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:59am:
have I not been saying for some time that big spending , ex catholic priest, Tony Abbott is a labor mole in the liberal party.
He has played his role well, almost like those Russian "sleeper" spies who were raised with American families and "activated" decades later.

The Jesuit priesthood tony tried to join is the ABSOLUTE COMPLETE OTHER END OF THE UNIVERSE  to the the business council of Australia,

Tony has been reactivated and now seeks to destroy the right side of politics from within.


He knew this would be the master stroke to foil Campbell and ensure that compassionate, big spending labor won in QLD and the big business (which at his core he despises) would be thwarted. His timing is impeccable.
He will wreck the liberal party (which he despises...even if only in a subcounscious way).

You are a smart guy K.  Surely you can see this is a deliberate strategy of termiting his own organisation.
This is obvious to me. I'm sure if you wash the dust from your eyes you will see tony for the complex DLP type person that he is.  The Bob Santamaria  seeking vengeance on all that old money , blue blood liberals
OK I don't want to hear you accusing anyone of mindlessly following stupid conspiracy theories ever again. 
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #42 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 8:03am
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Feb 3rd, 2015 at 7:59am:
aquascoot wrote on Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:59am:
have I not been saying for some time that big spending , ex catholic priest, Tony Abbott is a labor mole in the liberal party.
He has played his role well, almost like those Russian "sleeper" spies who were raised with American families and "activated" decades later.

The Jesuit priesthood tony tried to join is the ABSOLUTE COMPLETE OTHER END OF THE UNIVERSE  to the the business council of Australia,

Tony has been reactivated and now seeks to destroy the right side of politics from within.


He knew this would be the master stroke to foil Campbell and ensure that compassionate, big spending labor won in QLD and the big business (which at his core he despises) would be thwarted. His timing is impeccable.
He will wreck the liberal party (which he despises...even if only in a subcounscious way).

You are a smart guy K.  Surely you can see this is a deliberate strategy of termiting his own organisation.
This is obvious to me. I'm sure if you wash the dust from your eyes you will see tony for the complex DLP type person that he is.  The Bob Santamaria  seeking vengeance on all that old money , blue blood liberals
OK I don't want to hear you accusing anyone of mindlessly following stupid conspiracy theories ever again. 

Grin Grin

yeah, maybe an exaggeration.

every now and then, I get a kelpie that looks like its the real deal, but it just has a brain snap and starts killing chooks and goes completely "off the reservation"

its no good pretending its going to get better .

Its better to admit, I made  a mistake, the things gone feral  .  And then get the vet to bring out the lethobarbitone injection.
Its the only humane solution really.
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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #43 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 8:06am
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Feb 3rd, 2015 at 12:38am:
Well there you go. I think you got your answer. He's a monarchist at heart.  

And he is the head of Government in a nation that voted to preserve its monarchy... No anachronism there.

Where else would you expect to find an overtly monarchist PM if not in a monarchist state?
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Australian Politics

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Re: Why did he do it?
Reply #44 - Feb 3rd, 2015 at 8:09am
aquascoot wrote on Feb 3rd, 2015 at 6:59am:
have I not been saying for some time that big spending , ex catholic priest, Tony Abbott is a labor mole in the liberal party.
He has played his role well, almost like those Russian "sleeper" spies who were raised with American families and "activated" decades later.

The Jesuit priesthood tony tried to join is the ABSOLUTE COMPLETE OTHER END OF THE UNIVERSE  to the the business council of Australia,

Tony has been reactivated and now seeks to destroy the right side of politics from within.


He knew this would be the master stroke to foil Campbell and ensure that compassionate, big spending labor won in QLD and the big business (which at his core he despises) would be thwarted. His timing is impeccable.
He will wreck the liberal party (which he despises...even if only in a subcounscious way).

You are a smart guy K.  Surely you can see this is a deliberate strategy of termiting his own organisation.
This is obvious to me. I'm sure if you wash the dust from your eyes you will see tony for the complex DLP type person that he is.  The Bob Santamaria  seeking vengeance on all that old money , blue blood liberals

The strange thing is, dear, Tony Abbott is trying to do the exact opposite. I can understand how you’ve come to your conclusions though.

Would you like to take a stab at the question of why Abbott did it?

Remember, these honours lists aren’t secrets. They’re national announcements.
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