Swagman wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 10:41am:
Bam wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 10:36am:
aquascoot wrote on Feb 4
th, 2015 at 9:59am:
unfortunately , you cannot globalise the worlds economy without globalising the worlds labor market because , the labor market is a large part of the worlds economy.
so, given that we are globalised and the average punter wants to enjoy the cheap clothes , shoes and handbags made in asia by people on $1 an hour, the other side of the equation is that only the equivalent wage is available to be paid here.
you CANT buy shoes cheap from china and then bitch and moan that shoe manufacturers in OZ have to pay an hourly wage that is 18 x as high.
it is grade 1 maths/economics.
so either the minimum wage drops or trade barriers go up.
please tell me if you can come up with another rational solution??
Cut the pay of the wealthy by 95%.
...and there'd be justabout zero productivity and everyone would be equally poor
AKA - socialist Utopia...
Which is of course what the result would be if minimum wage was $1/hour.
The wealthy would have to take heavy cuts too. It wouldn't even be mandated - it would just happen.
Think about rents for a start ... when someone's who's on $640/week and paying $300/week rent is now getting $80/week (by working two jobs), those $300/week rents will no longer be affordable. People would leave the private rental market by the tens of thousands. Rents would have to be cut back severely just to get people to rent at all.
Then there's the other goods and services ... all prices would have to be cut because demand would plunge. It would produce deflation, the economy would enter a recession, people would default on debts by the billions.
The simple truth is that businesses make money because people have money to spend. Take away people's spending power, business profits drop.
Face it .. cutting the minimum wage is not realistic. It would be too catastrophic to the economy.