The barbarity displayed by ISIS in the execution by the burning of that Jordanian pilot merely reinforces the opinion, worldwide, that these people do not abide by any code of humanity.
It has been suggested that by the execution of this man, who is most likely linked to Jordanian influential families, is a guise by ISIS to more closely involve Jordan in the current Shia/Sunni divide. Again, another divisive abhorrent tactic if proven to be true.
Even the 'warrior code' has been ignored, something that has been in existence prior to the infection of the modern world by Islam. " The 'warrior code' has shaped cultures as diverse and ancient as the Vikings, the Samurai, the Romans and the Native Americans, says Shannon E. French, author of “Code of the Warrior.” .... If you follow this link, you will find a celebrated act of modern 'chivalry' that could have well meant the execution of he who displayed it.
It is my contention that the supporters and adherents of modern fanatical Islam display no such mercy or possible acts of chivalry, their sole purpose is to either eradicate or enslave all those who do not adhere to their own warped interpretation of the words of the 'Prophet'.
Muslims kill more Muslims than anyone else. And they've done it again in spectacular fashion.
Their hatred of their fellow co-coreligionists on issues of different interpretations of their own gospels and their universal hatred of anyone not of their faith virtually guarantees their non-acceptance by anyone else on the planet.
Will everyone else succumb to a universal hatred directed toward them while Islam remains divided and fanatic?
Or will we wait until someone arrives who will once again unite the Muslim world?
Or must we continue to object - and eventually crusade?
The fate of this US woman could be interesting - as far as retaliation goes. Ol' Obama would do well to watch the public reaction on this one.
Just sayin'.