ImSpartacus2 wrote on Feb 8
th, 2015 at 2:57pm:
PZ547 wrote on Feb 8
th, 2015 at 2:56pm:
Maybe I chose not to notice it too much pre-election, but for months now, photos of Abbott (and his cloned wife) seem to much more often show what appears to be a 'muzzle' around the mouth area -- plus that door-step, everted, lower-lip (like Howard's)
Maybe Abbott's the living embodiment of Icke's Lizard People?
You chose not to notice a lot before the election despite what people were telling you
That's right. And those who were 'telling me' were rusted on Labor supporters so naturally, given Labor's history and performance, I didn't put much store in that advice
But long before the last election and throughout and since, I have said as I believe, i.e., that both the so-called 'opposing parties' are owned by the same masters and do their collective masters' dirty-work in destroying Australia -- ruthlessly, knowingly, deliberately destroying Australia
But you know, maybe those who were 'telling me' back then (and who for some reason believe beyond question they occupy the higher-ground, in addition for some reason to gloating about LNP's abysmal performance to match that of Labor) can explain why Howard, Gillard and the rest 'visit Israel' as a matter of priority ? Not once, or twice, but multiple 'visits to Israel' ?
Israel ? Not the UK or even the US -- Israel
Then we come to sustainability. Both fake major parties (who pretend to 'oppose' each other) cannot fail to be aware of a commissioned study several years ago which concluded that Australia could sustain no more than eleven million people. In fact, the actual figure was lower than that at about 10.5 million
Yet both fake major parties have been flying migrants in 24/7 despite Australia's population is now double what it can sustain and no plans by either fake party to call a halt
So sure, I 'was told' that Abbott was a flake pre-election. But coming as it did from Labor supporters who idolise to this day the grubs Keating and Hawke, not to mention Rudd and Gillard -- and taking into account most Australians voted OUT Labor, rather than voting-in the coalition -- you can understand why the advice (dodgy as it was) was not heeded
Would I like a refund on my vote for the coalition now, half way through their first term? You betcha. Do I believe Labor is anywhere near close to bettering the coalition's performance, should they be returned? Nope
Will I vote for either fake major party again in my lifetime? No again