Soren wrote on Feb 26
th, 2015 at 9:08pm:
Because you cannot regard the upbringing of your children, pursuit of a career and material and intellectual betterment as meaningful and worthwhile if your entire existence itself is utterly meaningless and without any reason, cause or purpose. That is the absurdity of atheism. You claim your existence to be utterly random and radically meaningless - yet you live every day in pursuit of meaning and purpose. You pretend every minute to be an ethical clump of matter - which is absurd.
Why? I brought up 3 sons, all fine adults now. I did my best for them because of that evolutionary drive to preserve ones genes. In accomplishing that I gain a great deal of satisfaction and the satisfaction and joy of seeing them reproduce and the joy those children bring me as people, just as my sons do. My learning, my intellect, what I teach them is not information lost when I die, it is information passed to my offspring that may well help them and their families prosper. My genes go on.
What a hollow life you must have thinking you do what you do only because some ephemeral thing wants you to. It's like that old argument "well if you're an atheist, and don't have any foundation in morals, you would rape, murder and pillage." No. You are a horrible person if you need a threat to make not you behave like that. In truth, if that's what you would do without a "hell" threat, you are an arsehole.
I live in wonderment every time I walk outside or contemplate the tech I have inside my above ground cave.
Strangely, for example, we all find meaning tapping little square thing with symbols on them, to communicate. Why else are you here?