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Solar Eclipse On The Equinox: A Powerful Catalyst for New Beginnings
This Solar Eclipse is 13 Hours Before the Spring Equinox!
The spring Equinox is not only the beginning of spring, but also where the astrological tropical zodiac ends and begins, transitioning from Pisces to Aries
Metaphorically, this eclipse is like turning the water valve on a pressure washer… which will wash away whatever it needs to… over the next 6 months!
Freaky Friday: Solar eclipse, Supermoon, spring equinox
Today's Pisces new moon presents the perfect opportunity to question, well, just about every assumption we've ever made.
Magic is possible today, so here are a few ways you can shift some molecules in the universe by tapping into the power of the Pisces new moon:
1. Suspend all beliefs.
We've heard enlightened people (and wannabe enlightened folks, like us) suggest that "reality" is a made-up concept, subject to interpretation. But you know, there might just be something to that.
Today's new moon encourages us to question linear concepts like distance and time. Ever notice that when you're bored, an hour feels like a lifetime — but when you're "in the zone," it flies by way too quickly?
Or, as we've heard people say, the President of the United States has the same 24 hours in his day as you do. The Pisces new moon prompts us to shift into quantum thinking, where time is more elastic than fixed — and can be bent at our will.
One of our favorite (and most digestible) books on the quantum realm is Dr. Joe Dispenza's Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. The Pisces new moon prods us to consider that maybe — just maybe — what we THINK we know isn't the only possibility.
Not just a solar eclipse! Today sees THREE astronomical phenomena take place as the supermoon and spring equinox align
While people in the UK were treated to an eclipse, other events took place Today marks the spring equinox, when day and night is roughly equal And it is also a supermoon, with the moon at its closest point to Earth It is very rare for the three events to occur at the same time
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On one day: equinox, supermoon, eclipse
The last total solar eclipse on the March equinox occurred, amazingly, way back in 1662 – when the dodo went extinct during the reign of King Charles II. In this century, this eclipse-vernal equinox combination will happen again in 2034, 2053 and 2072, then not at all in the 2100s.
The vernal equinox has played a huge role in human cultures for millennia, especially in northern cultures struggling through winter. Because of the new growth in the new season – the earth seeming to awaken from the dead – many cultures began their calendars around now. In fact, the astrological year still begins on the equinox when the moon moves into Aries the Ram, the zodiac’s first sign.
The Greek God Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars, for whom March is named, and the Roman Empire year began on the ides of March, the 15th. For 500 years until 1752, March 25th was the day the year changed in England; back then, you would go to sleep on March 24, say, 1750, and wake up on March 25, 1751.
Persians celebrate their New Year, Nowruz (literally, “new day) starting on the equinox, a 3,000-year-old Zoroastrian tradition, serving a huge feast of seven food dishes that begin with s, including garlic (in Farsi, sir) for medicinal health, and sumac berries (somaq), the color of sunrise. A goldfish in a bowl is a common centerpiece, symbolizing life and good luck.
The first day of spring is the first full day of fiery Aries (after Pisces waters—fire and water together form new life), initiating the new spiritual and astrological year (International Astrology Day). A new cycle of time begins in the tropical (seasonal) zodiac. Astrology is the heavenly directional template, the guidepost for beginnings, endings, changes, transformations for humanity.
Aries Sun, spring equinox, Sun at the equator, light equaling darkness, the northward equinox occurring also signal the Iranian new year (Norouz); beginning of the Bahá'í (Naw-Rúz) calendar; Ostara (Germanic spring goddess, giving birth to Yule in nine months); Chunfen (Vernal Equinox) in China. In Maya, it is the “return of the Sun serpent. The ever-moving wheel of the year turns once more. We together, “ascend.” Resurrection begins within all life on Earth.