Stratos wrote on Apr 7
th, 2015 at 8:43pm:
yadda, there are certain situations in which dating methods can become unreliable (carbon dating and aquatic creatures for example), but there many types of different methods.
I haven't heard of any of the examples you have described, would you mind posting the papers they were reported in?
Ah, i have to be an accredited, published scientist, before anything i say/suggest, can be said to have any possible validity - in the
real world.
QUESTION;How many accredited, published scientists do you know, who are willing to risk 'killing' their
PROFESSIONAL careers, by contradicting established, accepted, 'scientific' 'facts' ?
To do such a thing, would be like like an Anglican priest recanting, and then wanting to challenge/abolish church doctrines.
It would be
heresy = =
1 belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
2 opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.Stratos,
You do realise, that the 'science community'
is a 'religious' 'church'
too, don't you ?

And that the 'science community' also, in effect, has its own 'high priests' !!
QUESTION;Can't you see, these people [scientists] who are unwilling to challenge current 'science community' orthodoxy, because it may be a 'bad career move', have no more credibility, than lying, self-serving career politicians ?
Such people [career focused 'scientists'] are not scientists.
They are self-serving betrayers of truth.Google;
science fraud
science, dishonest research
Scientist, science ?!!!
What many of them are engaged in,
is not science.
True scientific principle, requires not only
"the intellectual and practical activity.......[of] observation and experiment"
, ....but also a
respect for truth, and the courage to denounce falsehood.
Doesn't it ?
IMO, the 'science' that people like you 'believe in', is like the ISLAM that people like you believe in.
---------- >
"ISLAM is peace."
Always has been, always will be.

Ask a spokeman for the moslem community, in Australia, and he will insist that;
"Peace summarises everything in Islam" Quote:
"Peace summarises everything in Islam, because it means
submitting your will to God,
so you acquire peace through it," he said.
"When I'm following its [i.e. ISLAM's] teachings,
I know that my own actions are in line with what my creator wants,
and hence I am at peace with myself, [with] my community and the rest of the world." - of moslems promoting ISLAM 'peace' in Australia.....------------- >

"Mr Yunus has been encouraging peaceful community bridging since starting his post as Darwin's Islamic leader in 2014."
Mr Yunus is a moslem.
Mr Yunus is a follower of ISLAM.