Stratos wrote on Aug 7
th, 2015 at 7:37am:
LifeOrDeath wrote on Aug 6
th, 2015 at 10:03pm:
So if you predestined yourself to hell it has nothing to do with God saying you were predestined to hell. He never made you do it.
Please read up on their doctrine on the elect, because you have described the exact opposite of it.
If I may Yadda for a second
Google- unconditional election Unconditional election is a doctrine relating to Predestination within the reformed theology framework that in eternity past, before God created the world, he predestinated some people for salvation, the elect, and the others he left to continue in their sins and receive the just punishment, eternal damnation.
The definition 'the others he left to continue in their sins ' is incorrect. Both are choosing their destination by what they do. So him knowing all one can say yes some were predestined for eternal life 'the elect' if you will and others for 'eternal hell'. If you are trying to apply the notion that he sat there and said 'I will make a world, I will make a person who will post online who calls her id Lisa Jones and I will send her to hell' that is ludicrous. You are simplifying predestination way too much. You have two elements you need yo consider. Talking from mans perspective sure they only know this physical world and related physics. IE the creation. Without total knowledge so time and knowledge travels from left to right if you will. If you are a god and know all how you say things will appear totally different from mans perspective. Hence we come up with predestination in a simplistic form. If you are a God describing those that go to heaven or hell that you already know. It is totally feasible to convey that message in those words. From our simplistic perspective it appears as though he made one for heaven and one for hell. In a sense he did but it was the free choices those individuals made that predestined then not God. He just knows their predestination. There is no surprise here either from a God perspective he knew this before the earth creation either. It is just conveyed to us as humans.
Unfortunately we try to understand the mind/operation and concept of God with the limited knowledge (which is ever increasing) we have at one point in time from the physical world. So in one sense we are trying to understand something that would require us to be God to understand in another he tells us we just need faith in Him that he will look after us and save us from the sin we entered into as mankind. Which makes kinda sense.
That is probably why He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside believers entwined with their spirit so he can commune with man on the closest level confirming His existence and giving us the knowledge and mind and eyes of God, Rhema. Referring to the revelation received by followers when the Holy Spirit speaks to them via the spirit.