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God Does Not Exist. End of Story.... (Read 84817 times)
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #255 - Mar 19th, 2015 at 7:40pm
Science is not atheism
. I will say it again Science is not atheism. Science doesn't give a hoot about the supernatural, It is not trying to disprove God, there is no branch of science dedicated to finding or disproving god. Science however by making sense of the world is making the areas in which the god of the gaps hides smaller. It is not the aim of science to disprove gods, but to explain the world around us. When the weather patterns were explained goddidit was no longer a reasonable explanation for thunder and lightening. Thor became obsolete.

There has not been one scientific discovery that could be better explained by goddidit, not one.

Another thing atheism is not science. I repeat atheism is not science. Trying to disprove abiogenesis does not change the fact that there is no evidence for any deities. Trying to disprove evolution does not change the fact that there is no evidence for gods, but here is the thing, evolution and abiogenesis are scientific pursuits not atheist pursuits.

Atheists become atheist for many reasons, some because they read the local flavor of the holy books and came to the conclusion that the incredible hulk may have more of a grounding in reality than Ganesha, Jesus and Amun Ra.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #256 - Mar 20th, 2015 at 12:20am
The operative word is "fear". You must fear god.
Without the "fear factor", belief in god is meaningless.

A rather clever twist is deism. I'm quite happy to call myself a deist or an atheist or an agnostic, as long as it doesn't concern any religion that bestows fear via an imaginary entity.

Of course this attitude doesn't work at all. I am essentially an unbeliever and totally useless to the tried and true methods of control employed by religions.

The fear is the God. And the fear is not substantiated.

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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2015 at 12:46am by Amadd »  
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #257 - Mar 20th, 2015 at 6:31am
Amadd wrote on Mar 20th, 2015 at 12:20am:
the tried and true methods of control employed by religions.

I think god and his churches are two very different things.

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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #258 - Mar 20th, 2015 at 10:15am
Sorry, Nigel Farage, Judeo-Christian nationalism is no answer to failed multiculturalism

What’s the best way to fix the problems created by state-sponsored multiculturalism? According to Nigel Farage, it’s using government power to confirm the worst fears of minority communities.

Farage recently made his debut appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, just outside of Washington, DC. He used his time in front of American conservatives and libertarians to tout the notion that government sponsorship of “Judeo-Christian values” is what’s needed to get both Britain and the United States back on track.

On the same day, Farage interviewed with The Daily Caller and called state-sponsored multiculturalism a driver of radical Islam within Britain, the United States, and more broadly,  Western Europe.

While Farage is correct to point out that state-sponsored multiculturalism creates an array of tensions and potential problems, he is completely wrong to suggest that using the power of the state to create a “Judeo-Christian” monoculture is the correct solution. Instead, Farage should recognise that it’s a mistake to think that governments can or should deliberately promote any sort of culture at all.

Farage rightly sees religious fundamentalism and intolerance as a grave threat to Western democracy, but it’s pure hypocrisy to suggest that instituting a culture of intolerant nationalism is the proper solution. We cannot trust government censors to suppress the wrong ideas or “destructive cultures.” If we give into Farage’s notion, then we are no better than the ruinous theocratic ideas that so many of us are trying to renounce.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #259 - Mar 21st, 2015 at 2:20am
Raven finds it odd that many claim god love us unconditionally, as long as you believe in him, or have your baby baptised or believe the Nazarene was his son.

Well those are three conditions right there. Lets not forget he is against the gays, he mentions that around 3 or 4 times in the bible. Shellfish and pork is a big no no he mentions a good 11 times but most Christians gloss over that because lets face it, that s.h.i.t is tasty.

Our biggest failing is to presume we know gods will. Raven's wife's uncle is a born again, a man who did horrendous things to his family but is now saved because he accepts the Nazarene into his heart.

Well he was telling Raven the other day that Cyclone Tracy, which struck Raven's hometown, was sent by god because they displeased him.

"Really?" Raven asked.

"So god also sent that hurricane to New Orleans to teach them a lesson too?"

"That's right"

"Huh" said Raven

"Then why was one of the few places to escape pretty much unharmed, the red light district, Ya know the place with the hookers, fags and degenerate drinkers and gamblers?"

Could not give Raven an answer. To be expected from a man who presumed to know gods 'will.'
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #260 - Mar 21st, 2015 at 5:46am

Look at the size of our universe. Religious folk would have us believe that this is proof of a divine being spreading his 'love' across the universe.

The sheer size is unimaginable, there are more planets in the universe then we can comprehend.

Now imagine these planets have intelligent life, life at odds with our 'made in his own image' beliefs.

Where does that leave us? With a hundred billion galaxies out there, are we really so arrogant to believe that god cares one iota about humans? 

We exist in one tiny corner of a non descript galaxy located in a SuperCluster spaning 500 million lightyears.

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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #261 - Mar 21st, 2015 at 5:49am
Soren wrote on Mar 20th, 2015 at 6:31am:
Amadd wrote on Mar 20th, 2015 at 12:20am:
the tried and true methods of control employed by religions.

I think god and his churches are two very different things.

100% correct!

Religion is fallible because it is created by man.
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #262 - Mar 21st, 2015 at 9:28am
Solar Eclipse On The Equinox: A Powerful Catalyst for New Beginnings


This Solar Eclipse is 13 Hours Before the Spring Equinox!

The spring Equinox is not only the beginning of spring, but also where the astrological tropical zodiac ends and begins, transitioning from Pisces to Aries

Metaphorically, this eclipse is like turning the water valve on a pressure washer… which will wash away whatever it needs to… over the next 6 months!

Freaky Friday: Solar eclipse, Supermoon, spring equinox

Today's Pisces new moon presents the perfect opportunity to question, well, just about every assumption we've ever made.

Magic is possible today, so here are a few ways you can shift some molecules in the universe by tapping into the power of the Pisces new moon:

1. Suspend all beliefs.

We've heard enlightened people (and wannabe enlightened folks, like us) suggest that "reality" is a made-up concept, subject to interpretation. But you know, there might just be something to that.

Today's new moon encourages us to question linear concepts like distance and time. Ever notice that when you're bored, an hour feels like a lifetime — but when you're "in the zone," it flies by way too quickly?

Or, as we've heard people say, the President of the United States has the same 24 hours in his day as you do. The Pisces new moon prompts us to shift into quantum thinking, where time is more elastic than fixed — and can be bent at our will.

One of our favorite (and most digestible) books on the quantum realm is Dr. Joe Dispenza's Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. The Pisces new moon prods us to consider that maybe — just maybe — what we THINK we know isn't the only possibility.

Not just a solar eclipse! Today sees THREE astronomical phenomena take place as the supermoon and spring equinox align

    While people in the UK were treated to an eclipse, other events took place
    Today marks the spring equinox, when day and night is roughly equal
    And it is also a supermoon, with the moon at its closest point to Earth
    It is very rare for the three events to occur at the same time

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On one day: equinox, supermoon, eclipse

The last total solar eclipse on the March equinox occurred, amazingly, way back in 1662 – when the dodo went extinct during the reign of King Charles II. In this century, this eclipse-vernal equinox combination will happen again in 2034, 2053 and 2072, then not at all in the 2100s.

The vernal equinox has played a huge role in human cultures for millennia, especially in northern cultures struggling through winter. Because of the new growth in the new season – the earth seeming to awaken from the dead – many cultures began their calendars around now. In fact, the astrological year still begins on the equinox when the moon moves into Aries the Ram, the zodiac’s first sign.

The Greek God Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars, for whom March is named, and the Roman Empire year began on the ides of March, the 15th. For 500 years until 1752, March 25th was the day the year changed in England; back then, you would go to sleep on March 24, say, 1750, and wake up on March 25, 1751.

Persians celebrate their New Year, Nowruz (literally, “new day) starting on the equinox, a 3,000-year-old Zoroastrian tradition, serving a huge feast of seven food dishes that begin with s, including garlic (in Farsi, sir) for medicinal health, and sumac berries (somaq), the color of sunrise. A goldfish in a bowl is a common centerpiece, symbolizing life and good luck.

The first day of spring is the first full day of fiery Aries (after Pisces waters—fire and water together form new life), initiating the new spiritual and astrological year (International Astrology Day). A new cycle of time begins in the tropical (seasonal) zodiac. Astrology is the heavenly directional template, the guidepost for beginnings, endings, changes, transformations for humanity.

Aries Sun, spring equinox, Sun at the equator, light equaling darkness, the northward equinox occurring also signal the Iranian new year (Norouz); beginning of the Bahá'í (Naw-Rúz) calendar; Ostara (Germanic spring goddess, giving birth to Yule in nine months); Chunfen (Vernal Equinox) in China. In Maya, it is the “return of the Sun serpent. The ever-moving wheel of the year turns once more. We together, “ascend.” Resurrection begins within all life on Earth.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #263 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 1:19am

I'm a little bemused as to why, in this day and age that it can't be understood that astrology was the good science of the day and corrupted into something that it was never meant to be.

I think it's a lack of empathy that lends itself to corruption.

Astrology was generally the good purpose of the scientists to explain the movements of the planets enabling farmers to know more accurately when to plant and when to sow.
As there was very little literature or literate in those days, the knowledge was passed down via stories (as was the way) that made remembering the main points far more simple.

Unfortunately, the un-empathic and the religious will never realize that story telling was once the best conveyor of knowledge but easily corrupted into something that it was never meant to be.

Thank god for written words, even if they did somehow survive history as bs. Religions and their screwed up definition of their god never furthered mankind one iota.i


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Australian Politics

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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #264 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 1:54am
Angry atheist I take it.
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The quran was not written by allah unless allah has no knowledge of science and historical facts. No quran or prophet mohammed existed until 60 years after mohammed's death.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #265 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 9:28am
SweetLambo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2015 at 1:54am:
Angry atheist I take it.

Bemused Deist. And yes, you take it.
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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #266 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 11:43am
Stratos wrote on Mar 19th, 2015 at 6:26pm:
Soren wrote on Mar 19th, 2015 at 5:51pm:
If these were evolutionary advantages, a lot more species would have developed some or all of them - as some have developed, for example the ability to stand on their hind legs or to camouflage themselves.

I'm not quite sure about this reasoning to be honest.  I mean, if we could all shape-change and hide like octopi, it is a very obviously beneficial evolutionary trait, but one pretty much specific to certain species.  Ditto even mundane things like rodents ability to keep growing teeth, or a kangaroos ability to maintain a pregnancy until convenient to give birth.  Evolution doesn't have a goal, the ones who reproduce pass on their genetic material.  At some point in the evolution of man, it was the smartest who would survive, when at another time and another place it may have been the ones who could hide the best, or live in the coldest climate.

Language, abstract reasoning are of a completely different kind of quality. The various tales of creation illustrate this well by talking about man being created out of the earth, like all the animals but then having a word breathed into him that makes him man, not a mere animal. I am not asking you to believe the tale as literal truth but to perceive, like everyone, that there is a huge leap from an ape to man, a leap that would require several dozen evolutionary gradations but which are completely missing. The 'missing link" is several dozen links missing in the evolutionary chain.
SO if you talk about the 'god of the gaps', we could also talk at length about the huge and numerous gaps in evolutionary explanation of Man.

We readily apprehend the insight of these tales, especially the tale in Genesis as it combines reason and language, perceiving their inseparableness. God ceated by word which is uttered through the breath, speaking creation into clay. Pretty inspired stuff from bronze age know-nothings, don't you think?

Another thing I wanted to mention is the very many personal reports of experiencing god. I think one should not dismiss these  lightly just because one has not shared the experience (as I have not). What I have experienced, and I think many others also, is the encounter with religious people who are evidently touched by such experiences and are spurred onto what is called a saintly life. There are undoubtedly very 'saintly' atheists, motivated by a similar love of humanity and of actual human being.

Nevertheless, there are many more such people, over the centuries, who have been inspired (the very word is instructive) by what they call god entering their lives. I would not venture to dispute away their honesty, goodness or sanity.

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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #267 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 11:51am
Stratos wrote on Mar 19th, 2015 at 6:26pm:
I also feel I should ask then:  Do you believe God intervenes in the universe, or is outside it?  Because if one does interact in the universe then there should be some kind of evidence for that.

I would expect the smart ones to reply that yes, god does intervene in the world, by inspiring men who make free decisions to be 'instruments' of god's intervention.

I think it fits well with the essentially grandly imaginative nature of religion.

(I think, with Tolkein, that atheism's fatal flaw is that it is completely unimaginative, dull and insipid).

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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #268 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 11:57am
Soren wrote on Mar 22nd, 2015 at 11:43am:
The 'missing link" is several dozen links missing in the evolutionary chain.

Between which human species do you think there is a problem Soren?

Soren wrote on Mar 22nd, 2015 at 11:43am:
SO if you talk about the 'god of the gaps', we could also talk at length about the huge and numerous gaps in evolutionary explanation of Man.

Indeed, and I would be happy to talk about this.  Again though, I'm not making a claim as to what is filling those gaps.  If I don't know something I'll just say that.

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Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:24pm:
Thus killing those Canaanite babies while they were still innocent, was a particularly merciful act
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Australian Politics

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Re: God Does Not Exist. End of Story....
Reply #269 - Mar 22nd, 2015 at 12:25pm
Amadd wrote on Mar 22nd, 2015 at 9:28am:
SweetLambo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2015 at 1:54am:
Angry atheist I take it.

Bemused Deist. And yes, you take it.

Yep Angry Athiest as you were.
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The quran was not written by allah unless allah has no knowledge of science and historical facts. No quran or prophet mohammed existed until 60 years after mohammed's death.
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